His beauty Queen!!!❤❤

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Author's note :
This story has some sensitive contents....if you guys not feeling good you can skip this....its purely not to hurt anyone....

City hospital is shown....
Doctors are treating a pregnant lady....it's around 11.00 pm....we can clearly hear her pain.....

A cute little dusky toned girl of 4 years with some family members is seen sitting outside the ward...

Her eyes were looking forward to see her junior....

Doctor came and announced the arrival of a new born girl child to this wonderful world....

Her lips curved with a beautiful smile...butterflies are flying around her....she is so much excited...

One by one went to see mother and a newborn child...

One lady : pragya...your little sister is looking beautiful than you....none is going to care you or love you now...she is looking like a angel...even you mom is not going to love you...
(In a teasing manner)....
(imagine her words in a playful manner)

Her smile faded away...her eyes filled with tears....

She slowly went inside and saw her mother sarla lying on the bed with a new born ...

Sarla : bachaa....come here....why are crying beta??

Pragya with teary eyes went to her mummaa...

Pra : mumma are you going to hate me onwards??you won't show love to me like before??everyone is saying you are going to love choti more than me...you won't hate me na??

She cried...

Sarla : who said like this???my pragya beta is my favourite...I'll always love you more than her....(she lifted her and placed her on bed kissing her cheeks)

Pragya's face again blowned with happiness...

Really ??she asked with so much of excitement...

Sarla : ofcourse bacha...
And kissed her...

After few years...

Pragya is shown wearing a uniform (may be she is 15 yrs)and talking to mirror...

Her eyes shows her pain...

Am I looking that much ugly???why everyone hate me...yeah I know I'm a dark skin toned girl...but that's not my mistake right??god created me like this...so that's God's mistake...
why everyone hates me for the mistake which I have never done...
Today Liya also said I'm not beautiful like my sister bulbul....she is my best friend but she too didnt understand ... she said in a random and playful manner but it hurts...even papa said the same in a teasing tone...why they are not understanding this....its hurts me like a hell...I'm scared that what if I started to hate bulbul...or starts to hate myself..
I'm feeling like dying....none is understanding me that it's not my mistake...I can't even share this with anyone.... i thought relationship doesn't need appearance but it's not...

What if my whole life will go like this???like crying for the mistake I never commit....

She sobbed hard looking at a mirror....
god why you created me like this???You know everything na??then you also know people hate me for this...
She sobbed...

Years passed....

Pragya growned as a college going girl....

She is seen in her bed crying....

Again and again this is happening...why everyone hates me??no one likes me....i hate myself...

Bulbul entered her room...
Dhii....I'm sorry...because of me you are crying...if i didnt born you would be happily living na??

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