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The cloaked figure slipped through the dark alleyways, keeping to the shadows. It ran, or perhaps glid, swiftly like a chilling autumn breeze towards the bleak concrete of the station. Here the cobbled street glistened in the glow of the dingy nearby streetlight, beginning to moisten from the morning dew.

The bells of Big Ben could be heard chiming faintly through the mist as a train arrived, far later than intended. The faint pinpricks of the figure's red eyes, hidden deep within its cowl, lit up as a young man, huddled over a pile of books he was trying desperately not to drop, emerged from the doors and hobbled uncertainly over to the lamp where he strained his eyes to see his watch. It was midnight, and he cringed as he remembered he had to wake early the next day for his first lecture.

Suddenly, it threw back its cloak, which fell to the ground a good twelve metres behind it. What lay underneath was clearly not human and the man looked up in bewilderment and terror as a perfect circle of brilliant white light - which seemed wholly two-dimensional until one tried to see it from a different angle, whence it looked exactly the same - appeared directly in front of him where the cloaked figure had been only milliseconds earlier.

The street lit up, suddenly laid bare of all the litter and pigeon manure that had accumulated over the years as everything was ripped away to feed the light, now a raging vortex. The man grabbed the lamppost but it tore out of the ground and flattened like string and he fell, screaming into the void.


Author's Note:

This is the second draft of this book and I will try to add more chapters regularly: potentially every Friday, as recommended by MichaelLimjoco's 'Cracking the Wattpad Code: Insider Secrets the Pros don't want you to know!', if I have enough time and brainpower. Feel free to read my first draft if you want 'sneak peaks' but be warned that the next few chapters will be a lot more heavily edited than this one!

Thank you very much for reading this and please comment on any observations, opinions or advice you may have.

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