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Hi, my name is Hermione Granger and i'm a witch. For a long time my best and only friends where two boys, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, but some years later i made some other friends like Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. They are my  best friends and if  it's necesary, i'll kill for them.

As you have probably heard, we where named war heros by defeating Voldemort on the second magic war, but in my opinion, it isn't fair, because we weren't the only ones who fighted and  sacrified  things,  my school partners who where part of the death eaters, where in that side of the war because their families forced them, but, whatever, now is time to change things, i'll trie to be cordial with them because they will probably be bullied.

Now i'm leaving on the burrow because i couldn't found my parent's after the war so the Weasley's gave me a place to live untill i buy my own house. Now i share bedroom with Ginny and Harry shares bedroom with Ron, because even if Harry and Ginny wanted to share bedroom, we all where against it, at least i'm not against the fact of they both sharing bedroom, i'm against of it because that will mean that i'll have to share bedroom with Ron and that will be nasty because he is just my best friend. I'll wake up Ginny now because we have to go to Diagon Alley to met Luna for buy our things for Hogwarts and some clothe for use because this year we aren't going to use robs or school uniform.

- Good Morning sleepy beauty- i said with a sweet voice

-What do you want?- she moaned

 -Me,  nothing, i was just going Diagon Alley to met Luna- i said sarcasticly

-Oh, you're right!- she shouted while she runned into the bathroom i just laughed

While she was on the bathroom, i  go down stairs to the dinning room where i  saw everyone eating there

-Why did you took that much time to came?- Harry asked me

-Because you're sleppy girlfriend didn't woke up- i answered him 

-Oh, ok- Ron said

-Hi darling- Molly said with her ussual maternal voice- seat down please- she asked me

-Of course Molly- i said

We all ate toghether talking and laughing until Ginny appeared running asking if she was too late, we laught a lot and then we finished our breackfast. After that, we all helped Molly to clean the table and the dishes and finaly, Ginny and i appeared in Diagon Alley.

-Shut up!- Draco said

-come on, you can't be the only one who won't go Hogwarts again- Pansy recriminate him

-Yes, it won't be the same without you- Theo said

-No, no and no- he said firmly

-Pleasee- i beg him

-No, i would not do it Blaise- he said angrily

-I'm tired of this- Astoria said- If you want to go or not is not our problem, i'll go to my home- 

-Yes, we will leave you alone if you don't decide now- Pansy looked at him angrily

-Ok, i, i will go with all of you- Draco said jaded

-Thanks!- Theo said and then we all runned to hug him

-Do not hug me!- Draco said angrily

-Ok, ok -  i said

-Thanks- he said 

Hi,  i'm Blaise zabinni and i'm from Slytherin. I'm surprized by the fact that Mcgonnagal gave all of us a second chance, anyway, i'll go back to  Hogwarts with all my friends, and i'm scared about how will the "golden trio" act with us. I'm very relieved about the fact that all of our parents ar or death or in Azcaban, they ruined our lifes! however, now my friends ar my family, and we ussually live toghether exept when someone decides to go to their parents house to do something.  Whatever i've heard that we will share common room with the other houses (just the "8th" grade) and that for the bedrooms will be chosen the sorting hat who will pair us with some of our friends and with some of our "enemies"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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