Loosing Control Part 2

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The rest of the afternoon was a blur to both of us. Honestly I had no idea what had come over me, all I knew was the fabric that covered Terry's legs was the softest, silkiest, and best feeling fabric I had ever felt. Sitting there touching it made me wish I had kept my own hose on. Before we knew it dusk was approaching, and as I looked around it appeared like we were the only ones left in the park. Looking at my watch I saw it was almost 8, and I jumped up throwing Terry's leg off of mine. "Oh my god, how did it get so late? I need to get home and start studing for the test tomorrow." I said, Terry stood up as well smiling "Yeah I guess you are right, but you have got to admit, it was a wonderful day." she replied. Blushing and not knowing why I packed up my stuff, and we headed out of the park. Parting ways I went to my house, and once I got inside I found myself going into my room to change. Pulling on my softest, and sexiest pantyhose, I put my shorts back on over them and got to work studing for the test. Slowly rubbing my own leg as I read I couldn't help but notice that as enjoyable as the hose was it did not feel as nice as Terry's did. Several hours later I showered, and remembering what Terry had said I slid the pantyhose back on under my nighty and got in bed. She was right, it did feel good, but in the back of my mind I knew that whatever it was she felt, was so much more exciting, and amazing than what I was feeling. In fact I started to get jealous of her and wanted to find a way to get a pair for myself to try.

Waking in the morning I slid out of bed and found that sleeping in pantyhose tends to make a persons legs more sensitive in the morning when they wake up. It was quite exciting, and decided I would definitely have to do that more. However as exciting as it was, the feelings started to deminish as I started getting ready for school, and before long it felt just like it always did when I wore it. Arriving on time, Terry was smiling as usual and we headed out for class. The entire walk to class I found myself staring down at Terry's legs wondering what brand it was, and where I could buy some. Almost to school Terry finally broke the silence and said "Well are you going to ask me, or just keep staring at my legs for the rest of the day?" Embarrassed, and turning red in the face I stammered, and choked up, laughing Terry just smiled and waited for me to pull myself together. Finally I just asked "What brand are your pantyhose, and where can I get a pair!" Terry stopped and looked at me with a smile still on her face. "There that wasn't so difficult now was it? and in answer to your questions I am not sure where the professor got them, but I will ask, and the brand is written in a different language so I am not sure what brand they are." Smiling I thanked her, and we walked into class to take the test. Afterwards Terry spent more than a few minutes speaking with the professor, and then when finished she walked out of the room with me close behind. "Well?? What did the professor say?" I asked, Terry said "Don't worry, you will have your own pair tomorrow, and she also said she will write down the name of the store so we can get more when we need them." Stopping in my tracks alarms started going off in my head (when we need them) that didn't sound right. But then again, it is just a pair of pantyhose, of course they get runs in them, so of course we would most like need to get more eventually. Walking on we went to my house where Terry plopped down on the couch and crossed her legs under herself slowly carressing her own knee, and I went to change in the bedroom. Taking my clothes off, I decided to try leaving my hose on for the rest of the day. Throwing on my shorts, and a tee-shirt I walked back out into the living room enjoying the sensations my pantyhose sent through to my feet as my feet moved across the carpet. "Feels good doesn't it?" asked Terry. I had to agree, and then Terry continued on "I honestly don't know why I didn't embrace pantyhose before now. Everything feels better, my legs look better, and well I just can't get enough." Smiling I sat down as well, and we spent the afternoon watching TV, and I also wondered what exactly I was getting myself into.

After Terry and I said goodnight, I showered and remembering the wonderful feelings I had eariler in the morning I chose a nother pair of pantyhose to put on for sleeping. This pair felt as nice, but it still didn't feel as good as Terry's legs had felt in the park. But I left them on and lay in bed wondering how good my legs would feel the next day after class.

Waking up, I enjoyed the wonderful feelings again of my pantyhose until they faded away into a normal feel, and got ready for school. Looking at the clock I noticed that Terry was late, and I started getting concerned. Finally a knock on the door, and as I opened it Terry burst through in a crazed state of panic. "PLEASE let me borrow a pair of your pantyhose, I woke up this morning with a huge run in mine, I took them off figuring I would buy a new pair after class when we found out where to get them, but on the way over here I realized I need them NOW! I can't make it until after class, I know you don't have a pair like I did, but I got to have something now." Listening to Terry babbling I was in a state of shock, what the hell was going on, why was she acting this way. Looking at me Terry made an exasperated face and spoke up louder "PANTYHOSE, PLEASE, NOW!!!!!!!!!" Still in shock I turned around and headed into my room, not even noticing Terry was right behind me, and as I pulled a package of new pantyhose out of the drawer she snatched them out of my hands. Rippng open the package, shredding the wrapper, Terry was like a wild animal struggling to get the pantyhose on her legs. Finally on her she started to calm down, and she looked up at me and said she was sorry if she sounded or acted rudely, but she just really wanted a pair of pantyhose. Knodding I said ok, and walked back out of the room. Following behind me came Terry still trying to explain herself. Looking at her I told her it was ok, and that I had also started enjoying the feelings of pantyhose more so I understood somewhat. Weakly smiling at me she suggested we get to class, and I agreed. However I could not help but notice how strange Terry was acting, and how figitly she still was even wearing a pair of my hose. All the way to school I watched her, and realized that whatever was happening to her, I didn't want to happen to me.

We got to class and Terry almost ran to the front of the room to speak with the teacher. Handing her a package and a piece of paper, Terry smiled as she looked torwards me and then ran out of the room. A few minutes later she returned and looked alot more relaxed. Sitting down next to me she handed me my pantyhose back in the bag, and said thanks, and that I was a life saver. Telling her there was no reason to thank me, she again said thanks, and that she would make it up to me after class. Again telling her it wasn't nessasary, she just smiled and said we would talk after class. So I watched Terry throughout class and after a short time she became very relaxed again, very sure of herself, and very outspoken. Sitting straighter in her chair I watched her kick off her shoes, and rub her feet together with a dreamy blissful look on her face. Without even realizing it I kicked off my heels and started rubbing my feet together as well.

Class ended, and Terry rushed me out the door. "First we stop at my house so I can change, then we go to your house so you can change. Then I know a really special place that we are going to go, and I will show you something truly amazing." Said Terry. Smiling at her I told her ok, and we were off. Stopping at her house Terry changed into a pair of shorts, tee-shirt, and sneakers, and what a suprise she left her pantyhose on. We then headed out to my house where I was eager to kick off my heels, and change, but after seeing how comfortable Terry looked I decided to follow suit and keep on my pantyhose too. After all she was right, it did really make a persons legs look amazing. Smiling at me as I came out of the bedroom Terry asked if I was ready. I told her yes and we were out the door walking through town. Finally coming up on a strange clothing store she pushed me through the door. Walking through the store Terry picked out a few things like some skirts, blouses, and a couple pairs of flats instead of heels. Then we walked towards the back of the store, and Terry proceeded to pick up several packages of what looked like the same brand pantyhose she was wearing. Walking up to the register to pay, I stayed behind to check out the packages better, but Terry was right, all the writing was in a different language and there were weird symbles as well on it. Walking back up behind Terry as she finished and grabbed her bags we headed out, and Terry even paid for lunch.

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