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As a child, Bilbo always had a fascination for flowers. His mother would always ask him to help with gardening, and Bilbo would say yes, always eager to get to spend time with her. However, as time passed, he grew a love for the simple but gorgeous plants, and started working in the garden voluntarily. After a few summers, and the help of his loving mother, he had created a garden fit for a king. Of course, his mother awed at how the twelve year old could do so much in only 3 years. She encouraged young Bilbo to use his skills, and perhaps one day make a living out of them, which he did. 21 year old Bilbo owned a little flower shop on Shire Street, and he was quit proud of it. He spent his days in the little green house, tending to flowers and giving people advice on gardening. Bilbo was truly at peace in his little flower shop… well, almost.

Right across the street from his flower shop was a well-known tattoo shop. The owner, Thorin, was well respected in the community, and a lot of people looked up to him. Bilbo had only seen Thorin a few times, but he left quite the impression upon him. Thorin had shoulder length hair, braided in certain parts and put in a high ponytail when he was working. He had thick sideburns and a nice, scruffy looking beard growing on his square face. He had a sharp jaw line and enchanting, light blue eyes that looked mysterious accompanied by his thick eyebrows. Bilbo was taken back by Thorin’s good looks, and confident personality. Bilbo had never been one to develop a crush easily, but the more Bilbo saw and heard of the bearded fellow, the more he fell for him.

Thorin would often visit the flower shop, secretly hoping for a glimpse of the cute guy behind the counter. Thorin had secretly admired Bilbo for quite a time now, and would always try to sneak a peak at the cute florist. Even though all his friends said that Thorin was super confident, charming, and worthy of any man (they knew he was gay), Thorin just couldn’t muster up the courage to ask Bilbo out. He had never even talked to the lad, except for the common “Hello, welcome,” and “Hi, how are you.” So instead, he would just longingly look at the short man when he was busying himself with work, not knowing that Bilbo was doing the same, sneaking glances at the bearded man too.

One day, while in the tattoo shop, Thorin was working on his good friend, Gandalf. Gandalf often came into the shop to simply chat with the other workers and give them advice on their problems. The dwarves all admired Gandalf, and treasured him as a companion. However, not a single time in the tattoo shop had he actually gotten a tattoo, except for today, and Thorin was more than pleased to give him one. Gandalf had asked Thorin to do whatever he wanted on his upper left arm, as long as it was decent. Thorin agreed, and got to work, making small chat with his friend.

“So, tell me Thorin, I see you eyeing that florist across the street a lot, you like him?” Gandalf questioned Thorin as he ran the needle across his skin, creating sharp, black lines.

“Umm,” Thorin growled. He wasn’t very fond of talking about feelings. Gandalf chuckled and looked up at the bearded man,

“I already know you do, so don’t you dare deny it, “ Gandalf told him as he combed his fingers through his silver beard. “I’m 65, I’ve seen my share of romances,”

Thorin let out a hearty laugh and looked out the tinted window in the front of the shop. He could see Bilbo outside the green house, trimming thorns off of roses. Thorin changed the ink in his needle to red.

“Ok then, I like him, satisfied?” Thorin rolled his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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