{Chapter 1} A bright day,Valiant smiles and a strange dream

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~Spade P.o.v~
My eyes fluttered open,blinded by the light of day. I yawned and then stretched. I could smell the breakfast mom was cooking. The delightful smell being one of the first things I woke up to. Despite still living with my mom,I had a pretty good life. Sure mom wouldn't let me move out yet but I still loved her. She was my mom. I walked downstairs, the aroma of food seemed almost quite visible. The stairs lined with marble that shines in the sunlight. One of the many things I would miss when I move out.. Me and my mom's home is like a maze. You could get lost anywhere! But enough talk about the house.

Once I reached the kitchen I sat in my favorite seat. It's coated with my Favorite color and that's why I love it. Mom places the food down,one plate for me,one for her. Mom's cooking is the best. Even my boyfriend absolutely loves it!(I know this is a nightmare x reader it will probably be slowburn or something) It's Saturday so it's time for me and my boyfriend's daily walk. After breakfast,I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

The park was not far from my house,nor near,it was just as perfect distance. I looked around at the scenery,sure it's the same but it's always beautiful. The wind blew through my {H/C} hair. Such a peaceful day.

When I arrived at the park... I saw it... My boyfriend making out with another girl... I wasn't mad. Hell, I wasn't even sad. Cause I shouldn't cry over people who don't deserve me. I walked over there and cleared my throat. Jake looked at me in shock. "Babe i-its not what you think-" I cut him off before he could finish. "Not what I think? I think you're cheating on me. Hell you made out with another girl just to prove it. I'm not mad at you. Nor am I gonna cry. I shouldn't cry over people like you! Who just want to play the world and girls like they are some toy!! I get it. But I'm no toy Jake. Be with who ever the hell you want,cause I'm done. See you never." I then walked away wondering why. Why was the world like this. But hey it was a bright day,and I'm not gonna let anyone ruin it.

I skipped over to Heart's house,I should probably be sad. But hey! I'm a happy single. Once I got to heart's house I told her everything. She told me she's sad for me,and I told her to not be. She asked my why. I told her,"Because the world is not perfect,and there is only so much you can do. Don't be sad. Be happy. You don't have another burden on yourself. You are strong,and even if you are not.. I believe in you." Those words. The words of hope and a familiar sound. I passed out..

~Dream sequence ~

"{Y/N}... You are the hope for us all and so is your sister {Bf/n}.. Please remember me.."

"Stay determined..."

"You're betrothed to me.. Remember?... We w-were g-gonna rule together... And be a happy family..."



Wake up {Y/N}...

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