First day we met

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It was a Friday night when Emily was getting ready to go out to a pub to play pool. Emily was busy to put mascara on. After she finished her make-up she start to brush out her long blond hair. When she is done she look herself in the mirror. She was satisfy with what she saw. She was dress in a black plain dress with long black boots. She was wearing pearl necklace that she got by her mother for het 21 birthday. With her deep blue sea eyes she look in the mirror with a small smile on her face, she is excited for a night out and to forget about work for once.

When she arrive at the pub her best friend Amy was at the bar talking to two persons who Emily did not know. It was a man who have dark hair and brown eyes and a beard, he is looking masculine and have a snake tattoo on his left arm. The second person Emily did not know was the most beautiful women she ever saw. She look like a Disney princess. She have raven curly hair with emerald eyes. Her lips look so soft and is light pink. Emily could not brush of the weird feeling she felt. She does not know if she envy her and want to be her or if she want to be with this mystery girl. After Emily stared at them that felt like for hours but in reality was only six minutes she made her way over to Amy and her two friends. Emily took a big breath and make it over to Amy with a genuine smile on her face. She greet Amy with a hug and waited for Amy to introduce her to her two friend. "Emily, I want you to meet Liam he is one of my friends of work and this is his girlfriend Clare ". Emily greet them both with a firm smile and a wave. Liam smile back and Clare watch Emily up and down and give a cute little smile with sparkles in her eyes.

Everyone bought drinks at the bar and went to a pool table to play. Emily love to hang out with her friend but she is terrible at pool. It is fine to play bad when she is alone with Amy but with strangers around it is different. It was Emily's turn to play. Luckily Amy and Liam was busy having a conversation and Clare look distracted. Emily thought it was now her turn to just play without making a fool out of herself. When Emily try to hit the ball she missed the ball and swear underneath her breath. Emily saw a shadow next to her. "May I help you?" a soft sweet voice ask. Emily look up and see the famous emeralds eyes that Emily felt in love view minutes ago. "I did not mean that as an insult I'm sorry" she ramble when Emily did not answer. '"no I'm not defended, sorry I was just caught by surprise. I did not know someone was next to me or paying attention." Emily said looking ashamed that someone saw her playing bad. "Well I was pay attention" she said with a smirk on her face. Emily cheeks start to burn, she hope Clare cannot see that she blush. "Yes please I can use help like you saw." Clare smile and stand behind Emily. A little to close. Clare put her arms around Emily and held the stick while her finger accidentally brush on Emily's hand. "Is this okay?" ask Clare for permission. Emily shallowed heavy and just nod yes. Clare let out a small chuckle and show Emily how to hold the stick and how to shoot the ball. Clare did the emotion with her and Emily sunk her ball. Emily smile and turn her head to Clare to say thank you. Their faces was just inches apart. It was like time was freeze. They just stare in each other's eyes and now and then they will catch glance of each other's lips. "uhm thank you for the help" Emily broke the silence. "Yeah no problem" Clare said and back up to move away. Luckily Amy and Liam was still busy in the conversation for not seeing the attention between Emily and Clare.

After the game everyone said their goodbyes and went home. When Emily left last she saw that Amy look back and smile at Emily. Emily could not help to smile. "Too bad I will never see her again" Emily said to herself. Emily went to her car and it start to rain Emily was still driving when out of now where a car came from the side and hit Emily's car. Everything went pitch black and everything went quite.

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