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AN: So I have so many fics I should be updating and instead I started binging Peaky Blinders and had MAD Tomione inspiration. This has probably already been done but my God, if Thomas Shelby doesn't give off crazy young Tom Riddle vibes then I don't know what does- anyway, I don't know what this is or where it's going but I was desperate to give it a go since I've been wanting to write Tomione (my FAVE ship to read I can't lie) for ages. This is also inspired by LovelyVillain who writes the best Tomione AUs I have ever had the pleasure of coming across.

So, some worldbuilding points: obviously this is only inspired by Peaky Blinders so certain plot points will be similar, but there will still be major differences, depending on which direction I decide to take it. Certain characters will be recognisable, though their roles will be occupied by Harry Potter characters. This is seriously AU and maybe OOC for some. Anyway, please tell me what you think because I really don't know what this is going to be like!

Chapter One - Imperio

The smoke hung heavy and thick on the air, churned up into sky and street alike by the newest factory in Hogwarts. Nurmengard was a beast of a building; a hulking block of grey bricks set against the grey expanse of cloud and smog already being emitted by Malfoy & Sons on the other side of the city. It glowed red in the evening, lit by a thousand lightbulbs, ignited by a million sparks as the assembly lines powered on into the night. During the war, it had popped up quite suddenly, dwarfing what had once been miles of valley in shadow, regurgitating shells and guns and armoured cars for the British war effort. In the few years it had existed, Nurmengard had grown to match and even out-scale the traditional Malfoy & Sons that had been standing for decades, a bicycle firm that had moved with the times. Now, both factories leered and loomed over separate ends of the city of Hogwarts, producing the two best-selling car models in the entirety of the United Kingdom.

The motors were perfectly sound. The chassis of both Malfoy and Nurmen Cars were streamlined and bold, finished with slick black paint and engines that revved like the roar of thunder. Together, the two companies dominated the car industry in what appeared an entirely above board fashion.

The residents of Hogwarts knew that was anything but the case.

They could tell you a few things about who really ran the Malfoy & Sons Motor Company, for example, despite the clear and brazen emblazoning of the Hogwarts Member of Parliament's name, one Lucius Malfoy, across the front of the factory doors. For it was not Mr Malfoy at all, nor his father for that matter, that wielded the power. If you looked close enough, closer even still- you'd see the skull and snake emblem in the circular caress of the 'o' in 'sons.' You would know exactly who owned Mr Malfoy and his company.

The Death Eaters were subtle and shameless. They pissed all over the city of Hogwarts as though it was their playground. The smoke hung heavy and thick on the air, but only with The Death Eaters' permission, only because they had decided that the factory could be built and fed workers, and develop into a hive of activity. Nobody did anything without The Death Eaters' permission; move in, move out, marry, divorce, create life, end it-

And Thomas Riddle had the overriding say on the lot.

He cut a fine figure through the mist, a black shadow sat astride an equally dark horse. The sound of the mare's hooves against the cobbled street warned the residents of his passing, and they diverted their eyes once he got close enough to see the whites of them, bowing their heads until he once more disappeared into the fog. His cap was flat, his collars rounded, suit a dark, expensive tweed. The horse wasn't saddled, but she rode beautifully under him, commanded to submission, dutiful to every twitch of his leg.

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