Cobras a bitch

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Cobra looked so peaceful she was curled up next to me asleep. When cobra is awake she is constantly worried about pi,joe,Jason,me, the pack, the colony, the flock, the Engels and the right side. You see cobra is the leader of the snakes the strongest gang on the tracks and everyone trusts her and she trusts them, cobra as cold as she is and as heartless as she can be it's only when she needs to be. I pull her into my arms and kiss her head after a moment of hugging her I get up and get dressed I'm about to leave when cobras phone buzzes again and again and again I look at it

Ana- hey bae how's you can grey and I come visit this summer? we cant wait to see the snakes again he knows everything and he won't say anything we'll see you fri - your little sister who's still taller than you xxxxx

Grey- hey I don't know what Ana told you but she did tell me everything and I'm proud of you. You keep you're friends and family safe. I can't wait to meet you and the rest of your gang again. I also can't wait to see the pack or the flock, I hear the colony's back in town? Are you done with the war of the wonderful worlds weirdos?

Can't wait to see the eagles and you and the snakes getting along!!

Thank you for giving me a chance and letting me and Ana marry! It's because of you we are able to live the way we do! Thank you for paying for the wedding - love grey you're brother in law x

I'm about to put it down when another message pops up

A.J - hey babes. How are you? Your sister tells me she's visiting I cant wait tell her about us! Also you never told me you paid for their wedding your so mysterious can't wait to see you tonite 😉 😉 xxx

I get really mad at cobra I walk through to the bathroom and fill a cup up with water and throw it on her.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUC-" I cut her off by slapping her across the face despite her being soaking wet, naked and just waking up she scary as fuck

"I'm going to give you five fucking seconds to explains your self or I will end you with my venom" she threatens "you cheated on me you got what you deserved" I state "I didn't cheat" she says I pick up her phone and show her the text from A.J "aww Ana and grey are visiting I can't wait awww that's so nice of grey to say those things" she knows she's pissing me off now I drop the phone and advance on her but she's faster and smarter she ducks under my arm and twists it behind me back throwing me on the bed " DONT EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN" she picks up her phone "AJ? Can you come pick me up please? Yea I'm at Lou's bring a change of clothes? Okay yea neither can I bye love you" she hangs up


My phone rings its cobra

" AJ?" She asks "yea what's wrong?" I ask softly "are you okay?" "Yea I'm at Lou's bring a change of clothes?" She asks "sure I'll be right over and I can wait to meet grey I'll be there in ten I'm gonna grab you some fires that sound good?"I ask "okay yea neither can I bye love you" "love you too"


I'm so happy Anas coming back I can't wait I'm kinda stunk in my own thoughts and the door burst open. The look on Lou's face is priceless




"Uhhh uh okay sure whatever you say" she's really not interested she's cuddling up to Jason she's got a blue pair of tight ass jeans on and a pinky top on with her jacket on over it when did she even get dressed? Jason hugging her back cobra quite small so she has to stretch up to hug him giving me a perfect view of her lovely ass there whispering " I, cobra leader of the snakes here by banish you from the wrong side of the tracks and forbid you to join any gang" she says "well you can't you need another leader to make it official"

"I, Jason, alpha of the wolf pack here by sign off on cobras exile and I will be the one you answer to if you ever cross the tracks again" "WHAT NO YOU CANT DO THAT THIS IS MY HOME COBRA DAMN IT DONT DO THIS" she smiles and laughs a little she turns around "this is why you don't fuck over a snake especially a cobra" she walks off giving me two hours to leave the tracks or else...


Jason toke me to his house and lay on the bed with me for a little while cuddling me eventually I fell asleep and I felt safer than I've ever felt.

Time skip

**third person**

Cobra smiled while waiting at the bottom of the escalator and her face lights up when she sees Ana and grey.

They come down greys arms look like there about to break due to the amount of bags they have. Cobra gives them a look of amusement.


"How long are you staying for?" I ask Ana " oh only forever" I smile and laugh silently "come on then" we get home after going to about ten drive thrus for Jason grey pi joe and me we have a mini bus for the snakes and I'm glad I bought it.


I was so happy to see cobra and pi waiting on me! Jason and joe helped grey with the bags. I may have gone over bored with the amount I brung but cobra pulls stunts like a giant party to put me in a dress that's to big just to piss me off. I sit in the car "can we go to Burger King please?" I ask pouting cobra laughs "sure" "but I don't like Burger King" joe says "and I want pizza" pi complained "I want McDonald's" grey says suddenly aware of the conversation "I want Starbucks" Jason says "am I driving children around or a bunch of adults who never grew up?" She asks "adults who never grey up oh look there a Burger King lets go" after a Pizza Hut a Burger King a McDonald's and a Starbucks and a Taco Bell cobra looks tired and let's pi drive "I swear to god you kill us all" pi laughs "only if I feel like it" grey looks terrified ".dont worry babes she won't crash right pi?" I state and ask pi at the same time " maybe" "PI" she just smirks evilly "pi don't kill your boyfriend your sisters and there boyfriend and husband please" Jason says " fine I'll wait til Lou's in the car" I'm expecting cobra to tell her to shut up "oh go ahead" is all she says

Cobra is sitting next to me

"Sooooo" she starts "what'd ya wanna know?" I ask "how's the sex?" She asks incredibly seriously then burst out laughing Witch makes me laugh white makes Jason laugh witch makes grey laugh witch makes joe laugh witch makes pi laugh and almost run us of the road "HOLY SHIT PI LOUS NOT IN THE CAR" we all laugh and when we get home we all fall asleep almost immediately cobra is sitting up and readjusting her cover when I see a blue bruise on her cheek owww it looks sore "are you okay!" I ask " yea yea I'm fine goodnight anaconda!" "Night cobra" I roll over and fall asleep in greys arms

Hey guys I'm back just been off this book for a little while WiFi was down and has the cold and my WiFi is on and off again thanks for your patience just a reminder to message me if you want me to write about anything in my new book 'our wonderful world' by the way I'm kinda being sarcastic in the title  -krazykim17

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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