How it Started

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Your mother was rushed to the hospital because her water broke and she was about to give birth to you. She was sick. Sicker than a dog when it happened. Your father held her hand. "Honey. I promise, just keep breathing and it will alright, i promise."  He said. Once they arrived to the hospital. Your mother was rushed into a room and she couldn't wait for the doctors. Doctors run in and tell her to push and breathe.
After that, she gave birth to you. You didn't cry. It worried the doctors, you didn't even open your eyes. The doctor, Dr. Owens rushed you to a room to do a checkup on you and he realized. You could die. He started to pray and put you on a breather machine.  After a few hours. You didnt give in. You fought for your life. "Hello, my dear child" you heard a voice. "Don't look at me, or your stay here" The voice continued. "W-who are you?" You asked.  "Im god. The one who could help you survive and live. But you wont have a normal life." He said. You stay facing the dark and nod your head. He smiled as he gave you life and made you more powerful to live. You where back. You could breathe without the machine and you started crying. The doctor smiled. He put you up and rushes you to your mother. "Shes healthy miss. You can name her now." He said. Your mother looked at your father and he smiled at her. "Alina, Alina Hope." She smiled and hugged you as you cried.

-15 years later-
"Crystal! You idiot! We can't!" Dad shouted. "Come on! Its just another animal!" Mom shouted back. I didn't talk much at the time. I walked into the room as my parents. "Mom.. Dad?.." I asked. They faced me and they were in shock. "Can i go out..?" I asked. My parents are pretty strict. I knew they wouldn't. Or, that's what i thought. "Alina.." There was a huge pause and awkward silence. "Come back before the sun sets.." Mom said. My eyes widen and i smiled and left. I walked to the park. I saw someone getting bullied and beaten. I was frozen. But i ran up to him to protect him once i saw blood. "Leave before i call the police!" I yelled. The boys looked at me and laughed. "Look! The nerd does have a girlfriend after all! What's your name nerd?" The boy on the left asked. I pulled out my phone. "I said. Leave!" I stared the boys down and made them uncomfortable. Then i started to dial 911. And they ran. I kneel down to the boy crying and shaking and put my hand on his head that was bleeding a lot. "P-please.. Don't.. Hurt me!" He cried. I could tell he was scared. "I won't hurt you. I promise." I said. He looked at me and his eyes widen. I smiled and i felt this energy coming out of my hands as it healed him. My eyes widen, i was shocked. He was too. "Come on.. Ill take you to my house to get you clean up.." I said as i quickly moved my hands and looked at them. "M-miss.. What's your name..?" He asked. I quickly looked up at him and stood up holding out my hand to help him up. "Alina." I said. And he took my hand and i pulled him up and he blushed weakly. "L-luca" he said. And i led him to my house. "Nice to meet you!" I smiled.

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