Ch. 1 "self love"

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Ship: Benjey

Benji and jorge have been dating for 2 years now, they are close and do practically everything together. They sleep in the same bed, wear the same clothes, they eat the same food. The only thing they haven't done together is fuck. This isn't a problem until Jorge being the poor little virgin he is gets insecure, feeling as if it is his fault Benji hadn't come on to him yet.

⚠️This is angsty and there are mentiond of violence and self esteem issues⚠️

It was a Tuesday morning, 11 am, and Beni was in the kitchen making pancakes for him an Jorge while Jorge was sat in the living room scrolling through Twitter. Everything had been going normal until benji called jeyjey to eat.

     "Hey pup, the pancakes are ready" Benji shouted from the kitchen.

    "Im not hungry"

That's when benjey knew something was up.

Benji knew Jorge better than anyone in the world, and pancakes were his favorite food. Plus Jorge almost always had breakfast before 11:30 so Benji knew something was wrong with jey. 

     "What do you mean your not hungry pup?'

Benji asked again.

     "I mean that im not eating the pancakes…" Jorge replied still sounding glum.

     "Pup, what's wrong, you always eat, it's out favorite hobby baby, and pancakes are your favorite food. I even made them with extra blueberries, this isn't like your Jorge tell me what's up." Benji said starting to get worried.

    "I SAID I DON'T WANT THE PANCAKES!" Jogre screaming walking to his bedroom and slamming the door without another word.

Benji, didn't know what to do or what to think, he stood there in awe, in all 4 years of knowing jey and 2 of dating him, he was never one to blow up, especially not at Benji. With a million possibilities going through his head, the elder started to tear up at the horrible things he thought of. In the end he decided to let Jorge cool off, he sat down and started reading.


I hadn't meant to go off on Benji like I did, I just couldn't bring myself to eat. After ages of pondering i decided that if I was good enough for Benji, he would've come on me by now. So im trying to change, I've been going to the gym behind Benji's back, I've been eating less to try to not gain any weight, I've been dressing nicer, doing my blush s different shade, but he still hasn't come onto me. 

*Five minutes later"

I've been staring at my body in the mirror for 5 minutes, and every second that goes by I find another flaw. My legs are to small in comparison to my torso, my abs aren't defined enough, my hair is an awkward length, my teeth are grey, im shorter than the average male. Everything is wrong with me. Im disgusting. I can't stand to see myself any longer. Out of distress and hate towards myself I throw my phone at the mirror shattering the glass.


I was reading still giving Jorge time to cool when I suddenly heard a loud crash coming from our bedroom. As if by command I ran to the room faster than I have ever run before. As soon as I got in I saw a broken mirror, Jorge's broken phone, and him crying in his boxers beside his bed.


I sniffle trying to hold back my tears and he notices my presence, startles he cry's even harder and tells me to look away because he's a mess.

   "I-im sorry" is all he keeps saying over and over and im still trying to make sense of the whole situation. I finally picked up the petite brunette and set him on our bed inspecting him for cute and bruises finding none.

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