Mixed feelings

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My head is a mess and I can't think. Thoughts running, thoughts drowning, thoughts coming and going. How do I do this? How do I stop these?

It was Monday morning and you were getting ready for school

You hear your phone go off, you check it and see a message from Aidan

*Text messages*

Aidan: Good morning princess. I'll see you at school.

You smile at the pet name, you never were into pet names but it kind of felt right

You text back 

You: See you soon <3
You hit send then continue getting ready

Once you are at school you look for Aidan everywhere but can't find him, he's late to first period you both are in and find it odd, he never misses his classes. He seems like the type to skip school be he was the opposite, his grades are normally all A's and his attendance is always good, so why is he not here?

The whole day goes by and you haven't heard anything from him or seen him. You have spammed his phone messages but nothing, I may look clingy but I deserve an answer.

You sigh and go home from school, you try calling him and after the 3rd call he answers

You sigh of relief

"Aidan! Where were you today? And why haven't your answered me back??"
You say concerned

"I'm so sorry! Something happened this morning after I sent you that text..." He says

You fiddle with your fingers worried
"Oh, alright I just got worried."

You hear him chuckle a little
"I'm ok love, don't worry"

You blush at his words
"Well good to know you aren't dead."

He laughs out
"True True. Well I gotta go now I'll text you later"

You gently smile
"Alright, bye"

He says bye before ending the call, you place your phone down and stare at the ceiling.

You felt something wrong. Something is up with him. No no! There's nothing wrong. You start thinking about how uneven he sounded. You push away the thoughts, or at least you try to. Which you fail miserably at because you can't stop thinking and it always gets you in trouble.

5 hours pass

You look at your phone, no text from him. You didn't wanna text because an 3 hours ago you texted him then another hour passed and you texted him again. You don't wanna annoy him but you wanna know why the fuck he isn't texting back.

You groan out. You suddenly hear a ding and grab your phone, you read the message and it's from unknown

"Hello! You have been invited to my party. My parents are gone for the weekend so it's time to have some fun! Bring all the weed and alcohol if that's your thing or just come by to dance a little. So come or not, *insert address here*
Party starts at 7 ends whenever you want it to. Hopefully, you'll be there!"

You roll your eyes and place your phone back down, probably just some popular girl at school sending this out to everyone from school. Hmm, should I go? I don't do parties. But maybe I should just go... fuck it I'll go.

Authors note:

Hi! I'm sorry I never update, I have had writer's block and well I have been busy dealing with some shit ya know. Anywho imma try getting into this more for you little potato's who I love🥺 I have 8K read, I have never had that many and I'm so happy, thank you!

Him | Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now