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    Logan didn't know why, but he enjoyed Virgil's company. The boy was level-headed and quiet, which contrasted wildly with Roman's eccentric persona and Patton's constant state of euphoria. He was nowhere near perfect, nobody was, perfect was subjective, but to Logan, hot damn, Virgil was practically ideal.

"Hm?" Virgil hummed, looking towards Logan.

"Apologies, what was that?" Logan asked the boy.

"I asked if you were ready to go or if you needed anything else." Virgil looked Logan up and down.

"Oh, um, yes, we can go." Logan murmured, somewhat embarrassed that he was caught lost in his thoughts.

"Alright then, come on. You lead the way." Virgil nodded towards the front door. Logan slid off the counter and grabbed his backpack from the back of the chair he had been sitting on earlier.

"It's not too far from here." Logan told Virgil as they started down the sidewalk.

/ - \

"This is it." Logan murmured to Virgil as he stopped in front of a decent-sized house.

It had taken less than fifteen minutes to walk from Virgil's house to Logan's.

    "Thanks for letting me help fix you up," Virgil started, smiling and starting to turn away.

    "Wait, uh, come inside, I can introduce you to my mom. You could stay for dinner if you want." Logan offered, somewhat desperate for more time with Virgil.

    "Oh, uh, alright." Virgil accepted Logan's offer, he didn't want to seem rude. Being with Logan calmed him, sometimes to a sense that he could think for himself without intrusive thoughts.

    "She's, uh, a big fan of deductive reasoning, so just, uh, tell me if you're uncomfortable." Logan added. Virgil nodded and followed the boy inside.

    The house was cozy. The front door opened into the living room, a kitchen beyond that. There was a stairway off to the side which Virgil assumed led to bedrooms.

"Mom, I home!" Logan called into the seemingly-empty house.

"Kitchen!" A cheery female voice shouted back.

Virgil followed Logan to the kitchen where they found a short woman, well, she was slightly taller than Virgil, but not by much. She had sleek, dark brown hair that fell down to her mid-back. She wore glasses, like Logan, but instead of brown eyes, like Logan and himself, she had piercing blue eyes.

She turned to the two boys, surprise evident in her eyes for a split second before smiling warmly at Virgil.

"Mom, this is my, uh, friend, Virgil. Virgil, this is my mom." Logan murmured awkwardly.

"Sasha Mitchell, pleased to meet you."

    "Virgil Sanders." The boy offered a small smile.

    The woman studied Virgil for a minute or two. Virgil glanced to Logan, who mouthed a quick, "I'm so sorry."

    "He's quiet. I can tell he spends most of his time alone, and judging by his skin tone, inside. The bags under his eyes tell me doesn't sleep very well, but his eyes don't look tired, so I'd guess that it's a normal thing. His hoodie, the patches, they're hand sewn, my guess is that he did them himself which means someone must have taught him how to sew; maybe an aunt or grandmother, most men don't know how to sew, so, this leads me to believe he lives with a woman. His earrings, they were done unprofessionally, they're kind of uneven; he must have done them himself. They look nice, by the way," she smiled at him.

    Virgil was stunned. It was like she saw right through him. When he finally gained the voice to speak he corrected her one mistake, "uh, um, all right except one. I live with my mom; she taught me how to sew and she helped me pierce my ears."

    She hummed in response, nodding.

    "I'm sorry," Logan frantically apologized, "come on, Virgil. We'll be going now, mom." Logan nodded to his mother, grabbing Virgil loosely by the wrist.

    Virgil let out a yelp of surprise, but followed Logan as the boy led him up the stairs and into a bedroom.

    "My room." Logan murmured, plopping himself in the desk chair.

    The walls were painted a dark shade of blue-grey. Sticky notes of various colors were lined neatly across the walls, each held a random thought, or a question. The wall across from the door had a large window. There was a light blue "save the bees!" poster on the wall right of the window, and a huge bookshelf to the left. The wall to the right of the door had another bookshelf and a desk. There was a queen sized bed centered on the wall across.

"Woah." Was all Virgil could mumble.

"Is that a good woah or a bad woah?" Logan asked, fidgeting in the chair nervously.

"Good woah." Virgil replied. He continued to look around the room, scanning the sticky notes.

"Please, make yourself at home." Logan nodded towards the bed. Virgil let himself fall back onto the cushy mattress and took out his phone.

"We should take a picture." Virgil smiled at Logan.

"Oh, um, alright." Logan stammered.

     Virgil put on a small smile for the camera, "Logan, I want to print this, you need to smile."

     Logan nodded and put on a faux smile.

     Virgil snapped the photo, inspecting it and nodding.

     "Good enough." Virgil mumbled. He favorited the photo.

     "Did you know the oldest known photograph to feature humans dates back to 1838 in Paris?"

"Random, but that's pretty cool." Virgil internally smiled at the light blush that spread over Logan's cheeks when he had made the comment.

/ - \

The boys had eaten and all was well as Logan bid Virgil farewell at the latter's doorstep, smiling softly.

Logan had insisted that he walked Virgil home after all the boy had done for him that day and Virgil wasn't exactly opposed to the idea. He liked Logan. He liked when Logan rambled off facts that related to their originally conversation in the weirdest ways. He liked when Logan laughed, even if he could tell it wasn't real. He liked the boy's chocolate eyes. He had never really thought brown eyes to be beautiful until he met Logan. He really did like Logan.

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