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(Imma be honest Idk what I'm doing I just want a short Edgey boi x Mr.Wright story)

Yet another Trail was finished and of course Phenix got his Client "NOT GULITY!"

After the Trail Maya and Phoenix were outside infront of the courthouse.

"What should we eat to celebrate another Win!" Maya smiled looking up at Pheonix waiting for a respond. "I guess we could have pizza maybe even watch that show you love so much." "Steel samurai!!" Maya eyes lit up in excitement.

A coughing sound came from behind the two. They turned around to see a black haired male. "Hello Wright, Maya." Edgey boi spoke. (If you get the reference "Edgey boi" we're legally best friends by the kubz law.)

"Hey." Pheonix smiled. "Hey Edgeworth." Maya waved. Edgeworth cleared his throat for the second time then loosen the white thing around his neck. (I'm sorry I'm an uncultured swine idk what that thing is) "Excuse me Maya but can you give me and Wright some time..alone.." Edgeworth said as his confidence slowly seem to be spilling. "Sure, I'll wait for you,don't forget about the pizza and steel Samurai." Maya walked off.

"What do you need me alone for." Pheonix laughed slightly. Edgeworth looked any other direction then Pheonix trying to hid a unnoticed blush. "I was hoping you would eat dinner with me tomorrow." Edgeworth said. "Yeah, sure I have nothing to do tomorrow." Pheonix smiled.

"I was also wondering if I could watch Steel Samurai with you and Maya."
"Hmm yeah I doubt Maya would mind if I bring you along." "I'll meet you at your office then." Edgeworth then walked off to his car.

Pheonix walked to his red Bike to see a smiling brown haired girl. "So what did y'all talk about." Maya asked as Pheonix got on his red bike. "He just asked me for Dinner tomorrow also he'll be joining us." Maya stood on metal bars next to the wheels. "The more the better." Maya said. Pheonix started pedaling back to the office.

Edgeworth looked down at his watch wondering where the boy was at. As soon as he looked back up he saw Pheonix Park his bike across the street. Maya waved as she ran towards Edgeworth. "I forgot Wright doesn't have a vehicle."Edgeworth said as he followed Maya to the front door of the a building. "Yeah but at least he gets a lot of exercise, right."

All three of them made it to wright office. Maya and Edgeworth sat on the couch while Pheonix laid of the floor. The only reason Pheonix was on the floor is cause the couch could only fit two people. They watched Steel Samurai as they waited for there pizza to arrive. Soon a buzzing sound came from the front door. "I'll get it." Pheonix stood up. "No, let me it's the least I can do." Edgey boi walked pass Pheonix. "Wait no it's fine-" "Nick let him go get the pizza I wanna talk to you." Maya paused the show.(she recorded every episode...ight) "come, come sit" Maya patted the now empty seat next to her. Pheonix sat down next to the female.

"Okay okay hear me out." Maya said.
"I think Edgeworth likes you." Maya teased. Pheonix could feel his face heat up. "I-I doubt it." Pheonix scratched the back of his neck. "Come on can't you see the way he looks at you in court or even how he helps you out sometimes. It's clear as day, you know it, I know it, the judge knows it, Gumshoe knows it-" "Maya I get your point." Pheonix said. "Im just saying I doubt that he-" "I got the pizza" Edgeworth walked into the room.

"Ayyyy!" Maya ran over to Edgeworth to help him with the pizza while He carried the drinks.

They continue to watch Steel Samurai while also answering any questions Pheonix had for the show. It was getting late and everyone decided it was time to go home. "Okay lets go Maya." Pheonix got on his bike with Maya on back. "I can take Maya home if like." Edgeworth proposed. "I'm just suggesting cause it would be easier on you."

Maya hopped off the bike. "Yeah I don't mind." She said. "Yeah okay then I'll see y'all later." Pheonix waved as he pedaled off.

Maya was in the passenger seat as they arrived at her house she decided it was time to get some answers. "Do you happen to have a crush on anyone." Maya asked. Edgeworth was taken by surprised for a second. "Having meaningless feeling for someone, well...yeah I do have meaningless feeling for someone." Edgeworth said As he stoped in front of the girls house.
"Is it Nick?" Edgeworth looked away from the female. "I'm gonna assume that's a yes, well just so you know I think he likes you to." Maya smiled then got out the car. Edgeworth smiled as his heart rate speeded up slightly. I can't wait for tomorrow, Edgeworth thought to himself as driving off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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