Part 48:What should I do?

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This chapter is gonna be mostly focused on Myles.

Saturday May 26th, 2018❗️
Myles POV:
"Ma it's like 5 am do I really have to go with y'all" I ask getting up

"Don't you wanna go support your sister and your girlfriend" She says

"If he don't wanna go please don't force him because we're about be late" Kiyah says leaning on the frame of my door.

"Yeah y'all could just FaceTime me" I say

"I don't know if I can trust leaving you at the house all day" She says

"Who am I gonna invite my girlfriend's gonna be out of town too" I say

"Alright just don't have the whole neighborhood in my house and make sure you clean up" She says

"Alright" I say as they walk out

7 hours later
Once I finally get out of bed I brush my teeth then take a shower and head downstairs to watch tv. It's been a while since I had the house all to myself so I really don't know what to do. I decide to FaceTime Tyler and Jahi.

Tyler🤙🏾:What you want

Myles😬🤙🏾:I'm home alone and I'm bored as shit

Tyler🤙🏾:Take a nap because that's what I plan on doing


Okay so let's call my other best friend


Myles⚡️: Okay so My moms gone Kiyah's gone Zimora's gone and I'm bored

Jahi🤙🏾: I don't know what to tell you man😂

Myles⚡️: I need something to do

Jahi🤙🏾: Well maybe this could be your chance to talk to Asia

Myles⚡️:Yeah but that's if she even  texts me back

Jahi🤙🏾:Just try because I'm ready for all this to be over your love life is like a soap opera

Myles⚡️: Alright man😂

Whew here goes nothing

Asia POV:
"Mom I promise I'm okay" I say through the phone

"Just checking on you baby I love you" She says

"Love you too" I say before hanging up.

"You recording the YouTube video today?" Jaelani asks coming in my room.

"Idk if I should tell everybody...I haven't even told Myles" I say

"Don't you think you should" She says

"You know daddy don't even want me around I don't wanna drop this bomb on him" I say

"Asia you can't hide it forever just tell him" She says right before my phone dings

Maybe:Myles💕:We seriously need to talk come over.
Stupid Apple

Asia:I can't how about we meet somewhere

What Is Forever? A Jahi Winston love story ❤️Where stories live. Discover now