Chapter Four

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Midoriya Izuku had become a member of the Midorima family. They had allowed him to keep his name, fortunately. He had an attachment to it. It was a much easier process than they would've expected Mr. Toshinori's affiliation with several people in the government had probably helped speed up the proceedings.

Adjusting to this new world hadn't been as hard as he thought. He worked on it everyday. Ms. Inko and Mr. Hisashi-- they insisted if he didn't call them Mom and Dad that he at least called them by their first names-- had gotten him several notebooks. His free time was spent chasing after hero and villain fights, taking notes.

Back home, if he could even call it that anymore, he was familiar with everyone's abilities. He knew the ins and outs of every power. How to exploit their weaknesses, or how to combine people's abilities to properly address an issue. But here he'd found, there was a whole new realm of possibilities. Abilities that hadn't been thoroughly documented.

He'd started with the quirks of Ms. Inko and Mr. Hisashi. The first's quirk was attraction of small objects. A minor form of telekinesis. For the most part she only used it for trivial things around the house. Mr. Hisashi's quirk was also very intriguing. He had the ability to breathe fire. Izuku had enjoyed writing about their quirks. It was therapeutic, almost. It had been a long while since he had so much time to write.

When they had first legally adopted him, an important question came up. Apparently, 80% of the population here had quirks. It would be unusual for him not to have one. That said, it probably wouldn't be wise to reveal his own immortality. He didn't want to be taken advantage of again. At least that's what Ms. Inko and Mr. Hisashi called it.

It would've been difficult to fake a quirk. Besides, Izuku had already established to a number of people his supposed quirklessness. He heard the slime incident had even made the news. It would be contradictory to pretend he had one now.

With the matter of his living situation and his quirk resolved, there came another obvious challenge. School. Izuku was by no means lacking in intelligence or knowledge. He'd been alive for quite some time and had picked a lot of information along the way. However, he did lack formal schooling. He'd never been given the opportunity to attend school before. At first, he was strongly opposed to it.

"No, Ms. Inko," he hissed. At this point he'd become comfortably expressing his discontent. He really had no choice in the matter. He did not plan on complying. "I'm not going to this school. I have no need. Haven't I proven it by now?" She had somehow coerced him into at least trying on the uniform of Orudera Middle School. If he remembered correctly, it was the school Mitsuki Bakugou's son attended.

"Don't say that," she chided. It sounded light hearted, but Izuku knew she was serious. It didn't seem like she was willing to give him a choice this time around. She'd been very lenient with him since the night they'd met and for that he was thankful. But she had to stop giving in at some point. "So are you saying you know everything, then? You and I both know that isn't true. Besides, we went through all this effort to get you this opportunity. At least give it a shot."

He sighed reluctantly. It was true, there was probably something he could learn from the experience. He found himself not wanting to disappoint her. He might as well try it. If it didn't work out, surely she would reconsider her decision.

"You're beginning to sound like just about every other kid who has gone to school," Mr. Hisashi chuckled. He was leaning against the wall, watching on in amusement as Izuku's attempts at persuasion were in vain. "I'm sure you'll love it. Especially the homework."

Izuku rolled his eyes. He definitely knew what homework was. He also knew that he'd hate it. Going from being able to do whatever he pleased to having his life managed by parents and maybe even teachers was probably going to be the hardest adjustment for him. He'd just have to make do, he supposed.

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