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November, Her name

Bleach blonde hair

Walking through college halls

Tripping on her new ruby heels

Chatting with her fellow students

Rumors flying among them

Fashion and Men

Always seem to be a common subject

One in particular for our golden haired maiden

November has a friend

A best friend


Mayflower has her eyes on November's boy

Wants him to


She flirts

He flirts back

She touches him lightly on the arm

Laughs at his jokes

She's seducing him

And it's working

"WHORE'!! Is yelled out in class

November isn't holding her emotions back

She's crying on her doorstep

She's making new kinds of rubies fall on her shoes

Her pain only grows by tenfold as the boy falls for it

Bit by bit

 November wants vengeance now


And she's going to damn well get it

And the sunset fades to night

And the only light

Is the glow of the new fallen snow

November sneaks out

She breaks the door of Mayflower's house in

6275 WestBurn St.

Lights are all off, Pitch black inside and out

She picks up a knife

Clutching it in her sweaty palms

Swinging the bedroom door open

Muffling the head

Four sharp stabs

Only one near the spine needed

But she must make sure

Numerous slices on the back

One after another

Then the lights arise

November turns around

And stares into Mayflower's desolate beady eyes

Wearing nightwear, Mayflower screams

November doesn't have to look upon the bed to know what she's done

She runs away

As anyone would

She's in severe shock

She stumbles out the door

And trips

The sirens blazen

As they arrive

They circle around November

They call in the report

Lying in the snow, A knife in her heart

A circle of blood

And a yellow haired girl

Who only wanted what she thought was love


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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