Weekend heat

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   Todoroki POV

        I was surprised when I need that me and izuku were sharing a dorm I mean I was happy but surprised because I kinda liked her as a crush. 

Deku POV

     Once me and todoroki  got everything unpacked I realized I was in heat.  CRAP!!!!! I said out loud todoroki herd me and said "you ok" I had to think fast considering I didn't want to tell him the truth I just said that I forgot my..........phone charger block at home (😂) he said I could use his tell I could go home and get mine.  We shit.

   Todoroki POV

        I think I just went into rote (witch is like heat but for boys)  I didn't want izuku to know so I said that I was going to spend the night at bakogo's tonight (him and bakogo are friends in this story) so I told bakogo about my problem and he laughed and said that I could stay with him and red head.

Bakogo's POV

    Shoto came to my dorm with pillows and blankets and told me that he was in rote and needed my held because he didn't want to tell izuku (I wouldn't either I'd I was in his shoes) and so he stayed im our dorm of the week.

     Ok so it was a long day and I did a short one but any way bye love,
💫 ky marshin 💫

In heat (fem deku) (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now