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A/n: ok so bear with me. If you know my stories, you know they get written at 1, 2, and 3 am. But they are pretty good. So let's get this started!

For the hundredth time, Dib was on his way to see what Zim was up to. Dib knew that one day he would finally show everyone that he wasn't crazy, that he was right. But as time went on, he felt like he just wanted to prove himself, he didn't even really want Zim hurt anymore. What was he thinking, of course he did! He wanted to tear him apart, learn everything he could from him. Maybe just asking him some questions would work instead? No, of course not! Zim wouldn't answer him!

Unfortunately, Dib's ideas change quite often. It's almost as if he's fighting with himself, like he's trying to stop the part of him that wants Zim safe and away from harm. He cannot for the life of him figure out why part of him wants to save Zim, but he sums it up as 'He's the only alien I've ever met, and that's really cool,' and sometimes, 'He's my only friend, I don't want to loose him,' but then he reminds himself that Zim isn't his friend, he's the enemy. Man, who knew thoughts and feelings could be so strange?

Zim was doing what he usually does on the weekends, plan Earth's demise. He wanted to impress his tallests, and nothing could stop him from accomplishing his goal, for he is the mighty Zim! And no stupid human could possibly stop his genius plans! Except for Dib, who manages to both stop Zim, and get on every single one of his Irken nerves. To be fair, it is kind of cute to see him gloat. No it isn't! He's awful, not cute! As he spent more time on Earth, Zim started doing things that weren't exactly meant to impress his tallests, but to give Dib a reason to stop him.

No, that's not even remotely true! Why would the amazing Zim need to impress the Dib-thing? Of course that isn't how this works. Zim did sometimes feel as though he needed to make sure the tallests would spare Dib when they finally had control over Earth. But he reminded himself that Dib is the enemy, and isn't any better than any other human on this pathetic ball of dirt! The sooner he was gone, the sooner Zim could take over. That's what he kept telling himself. Unfortunately, not even aliens could control their strange thoughts and emotions.

As Dib approached Zim's base, he quickly looked into the windows to see where Zim was and what he was up to. When he realized Zim was probably in the lab, Dib carefully made his way past the lawn gnomes and into the base, knowing that Zim always forget to lock the front door. He also knew that Zim had hidden ways of getting into the lab, and any other floors he may have under the house. Dib found one without having to look much, as he knew the layout of this base quite well. His sister argued that it was 'weird' and 'definitely something a stalker would do,' but Dib knew he was saving the planet by doing this, so it wasn't as weird as Gaz made it sound.

Just as Zim was finishing up some reports to the tallest, he heard the noise of the elevator coming down into the lab. He immediately knew it could only be Dib or GIR, and neither was a good option, so he prepared to deal with this nuisance quickly and hopefully painlessly.

Dib made his way out of the elevator only to see Zim walk towards him. He wasn't walking very fast, it almost seemed as though he was just done with all the things Dib does to him, and doesn't want to deal with him right now. "Explain yourself, Dib-thing," Zim stated, completely void of any enthusiasm he usually has. His tone of voice threw Dib off at first, until Zim spoke up again, "Look, I have a lot that needs to get done today so can our fight or whatever wait until tomorrow?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. I guess." Dib somehow couldn't figure out why Zim was acting strange. Usually he wants to battle until one of them gives up, or he would at least add more inflection to his voice, yelling out half of his words, but not today. Not this time.

"Good. You will leave now, correct? I don't want you here if you're not going to do anything," Zim stated, with the same dull tone as before.

Dib just couldn't believe why Zim was acting like this. Yeah, he's weird, but this is strange, even for Zim. "Yeah, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow I guess."

Dib walked home trying to figure out what made Zim act so differently. That wasn't normal, not for Zim. Dib was going to find out what he was doing, and if it had any affect on his mood, or tone, or whatever was wrong with him. He knew he had to come back tomorrow, so he'd probably just ask then.

A/n: this chapter is over 800 words long, almost 900. That's kinda a lot for me. That was probably one of the best things I've written yet. I'm definitely continuing this soon!

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