Chapter 6

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I'm not gonna use a gif for this one cause I'm making a part 2 of this imagine and it's kinda long which is why I have split it. Ok here you go.

He wasn't always like this.
I don't understand why he is like this.
I love him yet be abuses me.

Jimin has been your boyfriend for 3 years now. He is everything you imagined and your everything. You and Jimin live together. You love him and care for him so much. But after his dearly loved fathers death he hasn't been himself. After Mr.Park's death Jimin would argue and disagree with everything. At first they were just small fights and you didn't think much of them. You understood that he was grieving from his father and let the fights go. But then it finally happened.

One day while Jimin was sitting of the sofa you told him you were going to meet someone you met a cafe yesterday. He asked you who and you told him. Then he stood up quickly. A bit too quickly. His eyes flared and he started to yelling saying thing like "Why are meeting another man!", "AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!" You both started to argue and you tried to explain to him that what he was thinking wasn't the situation, but Jimin wouldn't listen. Finally he had enough and slapped you across the face, sending you to the ground. You were shocked.

Had Jimin just hit me?

Later Jimin alopogised to you and you forgave him, thinking it would never happen again. Little did you know that the entire next year of your life would be like this.

Every time Jimin didn't approve of something you did he would hurt you. Sometimes for really stupid and unnecessary reasons. You tried not to do to anything that would get on him nerves but since you were living with him that wasn't the easiest thing to do. What Jimin did to you became worst as time went on. First it was just a slap across the face, then he started to hit you in other places like your stomach and your arms and legs. He even broke your wrist once and you had to go to the hospital.

You became scared of Jimin and didn't know what to do. It was only when Jimin went out with his hyungs that you would be free. Free from abuse. Free from him. You wanted him to stop, but don't to anything about it. Some part of yourself said to call the police or tell someone. Some part of yourself didn't want to see Jimin hurt and would rather him hurt you instead. You thought he was still grieving over his father but now this has gotten out of hand. You know his not doing it because of this father anymore.

This is who he has become.

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