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March 3, 1901.

Cricket has no friends.

He minds this.

He would always wonder what it's like for the kids that do.

March 4, 1901.

Cricket tells Tilly of his no friend woes.

Tilly doesn't understand his pain.

She sees friends in the animals they have.

March 6, 1901.

Cricket is allowed by his father Bill to go out in the morning alone.

Wihout permission, he walks further away from the farmhouse.

He finds what appears to be a black male near his age outside a house of times like these.

Cricket holds nothing against blacks, but his father and grandmother did.

Knowing his relatives would disapprove, he talked to the boy.

He was caught by his father and thrown back inside, to where he was punished for talking to the black boy.

March 8, 1901.

Cricket and Tilly are left alone while their grandmother and parents are caring for crops.

Cricket sees the boy from two days before, tapping on the window to his room.

He gets caught and scared away by Cricket's grandmother.

March 10, 1901.

Cricket can't get the boy out of his head.

They had what was a great conversation before they were stopped.

He sneaks out at night, and goes to the house where he had seen him near.

He knocks on the door and sees what appears to be his parents.

He asks for the boy.


March 11, 1901.


He was allowed into the house.

He quickly became good friends with the boy, learning his name.

Remy Remington.

He got back to his house quickly, going to sleep.

March 13, 1901.

He sneaks out again.

This time, he is planted with a kiss on his cheek by Remy.

This love was forbidden of years near these, but Cricket did not care.

No one was around.

March 17, 1901.

Tilly's favorite pig Florence was murdered for the family's dinner.

Tilly was upset and did not want to talk to her mother and father for killing her.

Cricket confesses his relationship with Remy to Tilly.

Tilly wants to help him.

March 18, 1901.

Tilly and Cricket talk about Remy.

Their father walks in.

"What are you kids talking about?"


March 20, 1901.

Cricket is caught trying to sneak out by his parents and grandmother.

They ask him where he was trying to go.

They yell at him, trying to get the truth out of him.

He tells them fake stories that they did not buy.

He spills out the truth, everything.

"I do not fucking tolerate faggots in this house."

Nancy tried to stop him,

But she couldn't.

March 21, 1901.

Cricket was caught with bruises on his arms, bite marks on his neck and legs, a bleeding nose and chunks of skin out.

Tilly was horrified, and traumatized.

"How could you."

No question.

No question mark.

Just a statement,

And a period.

"You won't be telling anyone."

March 22, 1901.

Cricket was absent from school for three days.

Tilly was asked by the principal where Cricket had gone.

"He's sick."

March 31, 1901.

Cricket's body was fed to a goat.

Tilly and their mother was depressed.

January 19, 1932.

Tilly rents a hotel.

She witnesses a black man being thrown out.

She sighs sadly, hoping for better times one day.

She didn't know it was Remy.

Grim Greens, 1901.Where stories live. Discover now