~~~~Author's Note & Main Characters~~~~

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<P>I know the first story of I married my teacher isn't finished yet,</P>

<P>But this story also takes place around the same time as Rose and Lance's wedding.</P>

<P>But like I'd said before: you have to keep a close eye one of the characters in the story I Married...........My Teacher?!?!.</P>

<P>And that character was: David Olivier Jensin </P>

<P>In the first story of I married my teacher David was only a side character, but sinec all this also happened around the same time as the first story it was necessary to keep a close eye on David because............well I don't really wann spoil this story so I guess you'll just have to read to find out.</P>

<P>~~~~~~~~~~Main Characters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</P>

<P>Ruby Tyler Woods</P>

<P>Species: Unknown, is said to be a human</P>

<P>Status: none</P>

<P>Has a REALLY high IQ and had skipped all of elementary school and gone straight to middle school and was soon asked to skip a few other classes: seeing her capabilities and was sent directly to 11th grade.</P>

<P>Dark brown coloured eyes that sometimes look like a sof caramel brown colour</P>

<P>Gold-ish blonde coloured hair </P>

<P>Waist legnth hair</P>

<P>pink lips</P>

<P>pale skin</P>


<P>Naturally skiny</P>

<P>has never cared about her look</P>

<P>slighty curvy</P>

<P>a clear complexion</P>

<P>can look older than her real age if she puts and effort.</P>

<P>A fast thinker and is usually calm no matter what the situation</P>

<P>Hates her step family and all their relatives</P>

<P>David Olivier Jensin/His real name Damon O'connelle </P>

<P>Species: Demon</P>

<P>Status: Crown Prince of his kind</P>

<P>Light blue Purple-ish eyes</P>

<P>light pink lips</P>

<P>natural tan</P>

<P>light brown goldish coloured hair</P>

<P>8 pack</P>


<P>Power capatibility: a level 5 (very power ful, but still has his limits)</P>

<P>Very moody</P>

<P>Though I should warn you: This story will WAY different than the first, Although of course Lance and Rose will also be in this story: But only as side characters, just like David was a side character in theirs.</P>

<P>And I know I'm sort of making this story sooner that I'd planned, but I'm a very impatient person.</P>

<P>I'll upload the summary by today somewhere afternoon perhaps....... </P>

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