Godly Display (Shikamaru-Flashback)

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During a time of rest for both Shikamaru and Naruto, the man with the IQ of 200 decided to head home only this time he had something on his mind. As he entered his home it was quiet enough to where he could lay down and think about the last time he and his old friend who was now dead after using his life to save the village's....that man was Wolf the so called Legend of the Leaf. Shikamaru grabbed the lighter that Asuma used to carry and as he stared at it he said to himself "That was a tough scrape....thank goodness he showed up when he did."

(Flashback-Shikamaru vs Hidan-Use Song Above)

After using his shadow possession jutsu to pull Hidan from his partner, Shikamaru then tossed out cables of paper bombs connected to various points of the jungle they were hiding in. As he did this Hidan followed them but not being aware of what was about to happen to him, Hidan simply ignored the fact that he could die to any one of the bombs and went to attack Shikamaru. His retractable blade was used and it was able to draw blood from Shikamaru and this was the beginning of the end and now Hidan performed his ritual for his lord Jaishin. (Not sure on spelling, someone correct me and I'll fix it....)Hidan then stabbed his hand and began to draw out the circle he needed to stab himself causing pain to Shikamaru. Once he stabbed his heart Shikamaru stood there for a few seconds before he fell over making Hidan angry that he died so easily, Wolf however was dressed in a pair of jungle fatigues that allowed him to use the trees as cover as he headed to where Shikamaru was due to the sounds of laughter echoing nearby. He spotted Shikamaru and was about to move when he noticed that Shikamaru was holding something in his hand, as Wolf leaned closer to see what it was he then saw Shikamaru grab a knife and slice Hidan in his neck! Wolf looked at the attack and noticed that Hidan wasn't cut deep enough, Shikamaru then used his Shadow binding to hold Hidan down and explain what really happened. Shikamaru said to Hidan while holding out a needle "You see this is a blood vial that was filled with your partner's blood....not mine. I already knew what you could do so I was able to snag some of his blood instead of using my own, nice try though.." Just then Hidan was able to slowly move towards Shikamaru however something was wrong and Shikamaru was caught in a small hole in the ground that held his foot in place, Hidan was about to attack when all of a sudden a loud clang could be heard. Shikamaru opened his eyes to see a man clad in jungle fatigues with a headband worn like Naruto's, Shikamaru then realized who it was due to the stance and effectiveness of making Hidan back away due to his facial expressions and overall legacy at his age. The person who saved him was known as Wolf, a Hidden Leaf Village member who was raised by the ANBU under the complete stealth manual. Just then Hidan said "Who the hell do you think you are? Jaishin will have your head you bastard!" Wolf then said while standing normally "I'm the man you're going to regret fighting Hidan! I'm the legend you hear about throughout your camp, I'm the legend who never makes a sound until it's too late, but you can call me Wolf." Shikamaru was relieved to see his old friend however he didn't want to have help due to the plan he had set in motion, Wolf then said "I already know what you want to do Shikamaru....just be ready when I say so." This confused Hidan but that also allowed Shikamaru to act as if he needed some rest from using his chakra, Wolf then said while taking a fighting stance "Come on....Show me what that Jaishin taught you!" Hidan charged at Wolf only to miss the signature smirk as Wolf was able to use his hand to hand style he learned a few years ago to the fullest thanks to numerous hours of training against the same style against various clones of himself. Wolf guided Hidan to the spot that Shikamaru needed him and once Hidan was captured it was then that Wolf revealed the plan "I knew you were a fool Hidan, but I didn't think you were dumb enough to let yourself be caught by the Shadow Possession Jutsu again." Hidan snarled and went to speak however Shikamaru then used his Shadow Pull jutsu and said while looking at Hidan "You see I knew I had to pull you from your partner otherwise we wouldn't beat you however the only person I didn't count for was Wolf as that was due to him still in our village." Wolf then said while staring at Hidan with the Sharingan "You see I was supposed to be healing however due to my accelerated healing I was able to arrive in the nick of time and cause you to be killed by us both. Now I just have one question for you...." Wolf walked closer to Hidan while drawing his blade "Does Jaishin like to feel pain? Because since you're still connected to your partner I'm going to make all three of you feel the most intense pain you've ever dreamed of." Wolf then stabbed Hidan's shin and calf muscles, then he stabbed the ribcage and stomach of Hidan all the whole causing harm to Kakuzu. Wolf then said after laughing maniacally "What's the matter Hidan? Does it hurt? Does it sting?" Hidan's emotions never allowed him to show fear but after the repeated stabs, the venom in Wolf's words along with the Sharingan; Hidan finally showed that even someone like him could feel fear and that made Wolf smile like a devil and say in almost a low yet intense whisper in Hidan's ear "Just remember one thing Hidan.....I'm your God now." Wolf then sheathed his knife and said while stepping towards Shikamaru "May this jungle keep your soul and mind trapped forever and may you never rest in the peace that you so desire Hidan. Do it Shikamaru." Shikamaru tossed his knife at the marker he left earlier and just under Hidan's feet was a pit that was at least 15 feet deep! Hidan with even more fear realized that he was going to die here and to make matters worse because of Kakuzu still being alive Hidan would also kill his partner should he die here! Wolf then nodded at Shikamaru who then lit the lighter that Asuma used to carry and Shikamaru said just before throwing the lighter at Hidan "That's your grave....see you in Hell Hidan." The explosion caused every part of Hidan to fall into the hole but Hidan was somehow still alive! Wolf then said while jumping down in the hole with Hidan "You're going to die this time....Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" This fireball hit the clouds above and after a few seconds a thunderstorm appeared and this allowed Wolf to use his next jutsu by saying "Time to die Hidan....lighting style: lightning rod!" Just then Wolf was struck by the lightning which scared Shikamaru however Wolf didn't scream in pain but rather Hidan did as his body was covered in blood which was a conductor for the lightning. Wolf emerged from the hole and said while facing the now cooked Hidan "It's over....that should've also killed Kakuzu, I'm going to make sure that Kakashi is alright. Sorry I was late getting here." With that Wolf was about to vanish but one of the deer that emerged from the trees to watch Hidan got close to Wolf, at first he was nervous but he then felt the deer put its head on his chest. Shikamaru was confused but Wolf simply said "If I had to wager a guess....I'd say this deer's spirit recognizes me." Wolf looked at the deer's eyes and he then saw who's spirit it was based on the reflection in their eyes, the spirit belonged to Hiruzen Sarutobi who had been waiting for Wolf to arrive. After the battle was over and after spending time with the animals, Wolf along with the rest of Leaf Village Shinobi returned to the village for treatment of their wounds. Wolf then went with Ino, Shikamaru and Choji for dinner at the BBQ restaurant in order to catch up on all that they missed as well as they informed Wolf of what he had missed due to his injuries. Wolf then informed everyone there that while he was out due to injuries he was constantly keeping them in his mind as they could've been in his position and that would hurt him mentally and emotionally. It was then that after their meal Shikamaru and Wolf parted ways with Ino and Choji while informing the Tsunade of everything that happened in the forest with Hidan and Kakuzu, after that was done Shikamaru offered to buy Wolf a drink after he saved his life. Wolf agreed to this by saying "Fine by me....I'll have one at least, and don't get too comfortable thanking me like this. While I'm an ally I don't always need some form of payment for saving you, just keeping doing what you do and I'll consider us even." This shocked Shikamaru as he had no idea what to say until Wolf said to him before heading home for the night "Just keep up with everything that you have in front of you and I promise you that everything you've ever wanted will appear in front of you." Shikamaru nodded and headed to his house as well but he turned to face Wolf as he said to him "Thanks again Wolf. You've always been a good friend." Wolf smirked and said before disappearing "Don't mention it..." his hand waved as he disappeared leaving Shikamaru alone as he headed home however his mind still focused on the way Wolf was able to track and assist Shikamaru even after being healed up. Shikamaru reached his house and after entering his father asked where he was but all he heard was "Out with some friends and thanking our Wolf for saving my ass again, you should've seen him out there." Shikamaru's father nodded and said while heading to his bedroom for the night "Glad you're home safe...sleep well Shikamaru."

(Present Day)

Shikamaru then sat up while staring at the last photo he ever took with Wolf while saying "I miss you old friend....somedays your words I need to hear again." He then laid back down on the bed and drifted off to sleep while unbeknownst to Shikamaru, the spirit of Wolf watched over the Shikamaru while saying softly "I've got your back....I'll always keep an eye on the man with an IQ of 200."

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