chapter 2

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maria in multi media

maria's pov

On my way to my bus stop I see my bestie Raniya but everybody calls her Niya, Raniya and I knew eachother ever since I came to Califonia and she helped me alot when it came to learning english. Raniya is straight up her motto is honesty is the best policy people think of her as a bitch or rude but she rather be those things than be dishonest. 

'' Hey chicka" I yell to Raniya who is on her way to her bus stop also 

"ayyyy girl" she says making her way towards were I'm standing

she gives me a bear hug

 "so I see you coming to school this year huh are you gonna come everyday or are u gonna stay skippin like last year" Raniya says in a serious tone 

"imma come unless them teachers start getting on my nerves" I used to skip all the time last year cause I hated all my teachers

"whatever" she steps onto the bus followed by me. the bus ride to school we aint talk much I guess she mad cause I said I might not come often oh well whatever. we get off the bus and enter the school 

"dont we get are locker numbers today in homeroom" I ask Raniya

 "ya who your homeroom teacher?" umm Mrs. calahann. I say in a questionable tone 

''never heard of her she probly new"

 "oh who you got?"

 "Mr. Z".

" hahahaha!" I laughed I had him last year he's a pervvv 

"shut up" Raniya says giggling

 "you should get a schedual change"

" I will but we gotta wait atleast a week before we can"  BEEP!!!

 "that was the first bell gotta go" says Raniya

 "bye" I say walking to my homeroom class.     

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