part 1 "well shit"

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No one's pov

"Lance! wake up we are going in tre hours."Adam stood beside lance's bed trying to get him of the bed.

"what...." lance answerd with a morning voice.

"I said get up we are leaving soon. have you packet? like I said"Adam said a little annoyed.

"" " *sign*just go pack now we are leving in tre hours""yes mom" lance said whith a grin on the only respons he got was a pillow in the face.

"don't ever call me that again" Adam walkt out of the room and closed the door with a slam. Lance laughed and stood up.

He walkt to the closet and put on blue jeans and withe t-shirt. After that he walkt to his table and sat on his piercings on.

"Breakfast is ready come dawn and eat"  said Adam from the kitchen."coming"

Lance walkt dawn the stairs to the kitchen. "What's for Breakfast?" Lance askt wile sitting dawn at the table." Egg and bacon""okay"

"Bay the way we are going to live with my boyfriend and his brother"Adam said while looking at lance. Lance nearly on Choked on his food."what did you say""I said we ar-"nononon the ather ting""oo you meen his brother"
"Yeas""dont worry about him he is pretty quiet""no I meen what's he's second gender like I don't want to live with two more alpha's""o I think he's a beta. Shiro never said anything about that but I know he's not a alpha so calm dawn""oh okay""now get ur but up there and pack your things"" yes mom"" I told you to.. never mind"

"And lance""ya""just because he's a beta doesn't meen you can push him around okay"" but what is the fun in that""Lance""......fine!"

Lance stormed up to  his rum and starded packing.

Lance's pov

'Stupid Adam and his stupid rulls. Cant have any fun at all' he put his clothes and other stuff in the suitcase. He walkt to the closet and took out a box and put it carefully in the suitcase.

"Lance are you finished we need to go now!"he whisperd something under his breath before answering""yeas coming"lance ran dawn to the car and placed his pacing in the back of the car. before Adam sat dawn in the car

"So how long will it take to get there""um about nine hours""you're kidding""nope"adam said before draving off.'this is going to be a long trip'

No one's pov
Nine hours later

"And here we are" said Adam as he puld up to the house.

The house was very big it looks like one of those lux houses on the TV.

"Wait are we gonna live there""um ye"" oo I didn't know your boyfriend was rich"Adam just laughed and stopt the car.

"ADAM!"lance lookt around when he hurd Some one scream. But before he know it Adam was hugd by a tall man whith black hair and tuff of white in the front and a undercut. He also had a scar over his nose.

"So glad to see you to" said Adam as he was released from the hug.

The man smiled and lookt at lance and made his way there.

"You most be Lance Adam's brother. It's nice to meet you I'm takashi but you can call me Shiro" Shiro said and strekt out his hand for a shake.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you. Adam have talk much about you. Right Adam"" wait really""yea he talks much about you ex*smack*Ouch that hurt!"said lance while rubbing the back of his head carefully"maby it hadn't hurt so much if you were quiet""well excuse me then!" Lance and adam stand still had a stirring competition.

"What is going on!" said a another voice. Lance turnd his head to the new voice but wen he saw how it was he regret it.

"well fuck"

Words 674
this is my first story. Thank you for reading it!

Date 8/9
So now I have edite it and sorry for not posting next part will come up soon:)

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