Mathews not so good night

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I walked into the house again quietly so Mathew wouldn't hear me. I quietly crept up the stairs. I open the door, "good he's sleeping now how do I wanna kill him?" I creep in and hide in a dark corner laughing quietly. He slowly sits up with shifty eyes. "W-w-who's there?" He said looking around. With my hood still up I walk out of the dark laughing insanely. "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!" I tackle him on his bed with the knife raised up ready to strike down. "Don't move a muscle you little bitch." Mathew says while holding a gun to my head. "Shit I done goofed" I though in my head. He grabbed the knife from my hand and threw it across to a unknown corner of the room. He Flips him self on top of me, "your mom isn't here to save you this time you bitch!" He starts pulling down my shirt and my eyes water. "Oh god please not again." As soon as I said that the window in the room broke. "GET OFF HER YOU FUCKING PERV!" The guy runs up to Mathew and stabs his shoulder making him dropping the gun. I pull up my shirt and look at the guy helping me, "is that the guy from the park?" "NO IT CANT BE," I get off the bed and grab my knife Mathew is pinning the guy down. I go up behind him and stab him in the back. It goes all the way through (he's really skinny from all the drugs) and he looks down. He gasps and falls over off the guy. I look at the guy, "Jeff?" I say questionably, "hehe surprise?" He says while rubbing the back of his neck. We start to hear sirens from down the street. He gets up quickly and grabs my hand, "we need to go NOW!" He drags me down the stairs and we run out the back door to the woods. "WHAT ABOUT MY MOM?" "FORGET HER FOR NOW!" We run off into the dark forest. Being consumed by darkness.

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