chapter one, new beginnings

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y/n= your name
B/n= brothers name

~Chapter one, new beginnings~

You stood on the top of mt.ebott, about to jump. It is said that those who dare to climb the mountain never come back, and that's exactly what you planned to do. It's not like anyone would miss you, your sister frisk had fallen down, and she has yet to return, and ever since then your parents had gone crazy out of how much they'd missed her, they started to neglect you and your little brother, B/N. So you naturally had to take the role of a parent. You cooked food for him, you cleaned the house, but you mostly comforted him as you both cried. Your parents eventually killed themselves. You weren't too sad about it, ever since they were neglecting you it seemed they had already died. The real problem was when child protective services came to take your brother, and there was nothing you could do about it. After he was gone there was nobody, nobody who cared about you, nobody to come home to, nobody to love. So that's why you were here, on top of mount ebbott, right by the hole that they said frisk fell into. You were ready, not scared anymore, and nothing to lose. "I love you, B/N" you whispered as you leaned forward and started to fall, your body subconsciously clenched up, readying for impact.






~a few hours later~

"Ughhh my head...."
You sat up, and saw that you were laying in a bed of yellow flowers, they must've broken your fall.
"Nononononononono why am I still alive?! NO! HAVE'NT I SUFFERED ENOUGH?! JUST LET ME DIE ALREADY!!!" You screamed, loud enough That hopefully someone would hear you and kill you themselves. You began to cry, and cries soon becoming sobs. You say there sobbing for what felt like hours, you sobbed until you ran out of tears, and you then were just screaming, until you throat was too sore to scream.

After a few hours of just laying there staring at your wrists and looking at the many scars you'd given yourself you looked up, to see a yellow flower, unlike the others, because this one had a face.








You tried to scream but nothing came out except for a pathetic whimper. But apparently that was enough to get the strange flowers attention and get him to stop looking at your many, many scars
"Oh! I'm sorry!" The flower said with a fake looking smile "I must've forgotten to introduce myself! I'm flowey! Flowey the flower!" He introduced "I don't believe I've seen you around here, you must be new to the underground! You must be so confused!"

~one explanation of the underground later~

"wow..." you managed to whisper, flowey smiled at your praise.
All the stories that the townspeople told were true! Everyone thought you were crazy to believe them, and soon you agreed.
"Oh! One more thing- how could I forget? See That right there?" He pointed with one of his leaves to some while letters at the bottom of your view, it said LV "do you know what LV stands for?" He asked, you shook your head in response "well, L.O.V.E. Of course! You want some L.O.V.E. Now, don't you?" You nodded hesitantly he smiled and summoned some white pellets around him "down here, L.O.V.E. Is spread through these little...
/friendliness pellets/! Go ahead! Catch them!" The pellets started to move toward you, but you didn't trust them, they looked too much like bullets for your liking, you just missed one of them, as it grazed your arm, it burnt "you missed them..." He said, slightly annoyed "here! Have some more!" He seemed to hide the annoyance now, but you could still sense it in his tone. He summoned more of these pellets, and they started moving towards you again, but this time you knew what was going on, and you dodged them all this time "Golly! You really aren't good at this, are you?!" Flowey yelled "oh, come on now that's just hurtful!" You said, smirking "oh you think your sooo funny, DONT YOU?!" Flowey yelled angrily as he completely surrounded you with the bullets, you were scared now, but you didn't dare show it, instead you put on you bravest face, and glared at Flowey, you were not even scared right now, normally you would be cowering for your life, but what else did you have to live for, anyways? He looked shocked that you weren't scared of him, and he planned to change that, "not scared, huh?" You continued to glare at him "alright... but let's see how scared you get if I do... this" He said, menacingly, he then summoned a bunch of large, spiky vines from out of the ground and used them to pick you up and squeeze you, this hurt, the red thorns dug into your skin, and you started you bleed, and at this you felt... relaxed? You smiled at Flowey calmly, and he was shocked, then confused, then scared, and then angry, so he tightened the vines in anger, your blood was getting everywhere, and he obviously loved the sight of it, but where were the screams? He tightened them even more, and at this all you could to was whimper and cry, the pain was unbearable, and now more then ever you just wanted to die and get it over with "JUST!......KILLME... ALREADY...!" You managed to scream through cries and holding you breath to suppress the pain "Golly! You really are an idiot! You think I'm just gonna let you die so easily? Now, Where's the fun in that?" He said. Just as you were about to pass out from blood loss and lack of air, you saw what looked like a flame, then you felt the vines being removed,





~a few hours later~

You opened your eyes slightly to see where you were, you seemed to be moving, as you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was... fur? White fur. You opened your eyes a little more and realized you were being carried... but by who? You looked up to see who would be carrying you, only to see... a goat? "Ah!" You shrieked, and struggled out of her arms, only to hit the stone ground hard, and that's when the pain of all your wounds hit you, your eyes widened and filled with tears, you started to black out again because of all the pain you were in, but you took a shaky deep breath and got up hastily and started to run anyways, you were in a long room with purple brick walls, and a white pillar at the end of it, but you didn't dare look behind you, you just kept running until you couldn't run anymore, you ran into a random room, and slid down the purple brick wall and looked around, there wasn't much in the room, besides a shorter pillar with a bowl of candy on it that said 'take one' you took four, you were exhausted and starving, you didn't care what a sign had to say, you slid back down the wall, put the candy in your backpack and put your head in your hands, you decided it was probably best to get some sleep.

~the next morning~

You awakened from your dreamless slumber in the same small room with the same purple brick walls, everything was the same...
someone was calling out something...
who is up this early screaming?
You sat up from your uncomfortable sleeping position, and rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes.
You decided to listen closer, and see what they were saying...
"(Y/N)?!" What? Who is calling your name? And why? You looked out the doorframe of the small room you were in to see... frisk? Calling out your name, looking for you "(Y/N)?!" She called out into the other direction "f-frisk...?" You managed to whisper-yell through the immense pain you were in due to all your injuries, and then trying to run with them only made them all worse, but it seems frisk had just barely heard you, because she whipped around and started running towards the room you were in, once she got close enough to see you, her eyes filled with tears, both out of happiness to see you after all this time, and out of fear, and sadness, seeing you in the blood-soaked clearly in pain state you were in "(y/n).... (y/n) oh no..... (y/n) what happened?! Why are you here.... who did this to you?! Are you ok?!" Frisk interrogated you frantically but all you could manage without coughing up too much blood was "f-Flowe-y.." frisks eyes widened, she obviously knew who you were talking about because she was soon filled with fear 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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