X: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night

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"She moved through the garden in glory because

she had very long claws at the end of her paws.

Her neck was arched, her tail was high.

A green fire glared in her vivid eye;

And all the Toms, though never so bold,

Quailed at the martial Marigold."

-Richard Garnett


1st week of October 1888:

London, England


September ended yesterday.

Last month's time was consumed for the Family and of course, Hell businesses.

Honestly, I did not have a spare time for the Whitechapel murders.

I stayed mostly in the Mansion and attend businesses that are close in or within the London's perimeter.

It might seem like I neglected my job for the Queen, but I sent Ariel to Whitechapel and find the culprit for herself.

She insisted on disguising herself as a prostitute, but I warned her that if she does, I don't want to see it.

She went to Whitechapel for the whole month.

She stayed there at night and comes back home at dawn, with the same news.

In the morning, the papers don't have any clue either.

Sometimes, I wished that I was clairvoyant so that I can get this off my hand.

Ariel and Adrian are not gods, they are also limited.

But, I am thankful that they are with me.

September had three victims, one on the eighth and two on the thirtieth. All of them are of the same Modus Operandi as that Nichols from August.

What's the purpose of this harvest? Why prostitutes? Easy prey.

In order to survive, women like them had no choice but to do any man's whim for pounds.

I once asked one of the Hell members if they had any idea who the Ripper is.

As always, I received the same reply. No clue.

Harvest with permission from a corpse. Murder is not permitted.

Is Jack the Ripper even a person? Could it be Adrian or Ariel? That's impossible that they don't eat.

If it's them then why now?

Or maybe those from the party?

It might be that girl's companion, he could be the one. If he is of the same kind as Ariel and Adrian then he doesn't eat too.

I guess that's a no too.

If I ever find this Ripper, I want to slit his throat. Is that too much for a joke?


2rd Week of October 1888:

London, England

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