"YOU BITCH!" Chapter 20

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Billie's POV

What Rose did last night was so sweet. It did distract me for the time but I'm still nervous and more than she thinks.
When we arrive home and make it in side she takes a long look at me knowing I was exhausted.
   "Cmon baby let's lay down"
She says with a light smile.
I nod tiredly.
My eyelids were heavy from the lack of sleep from the last few nights.
I make my way down the hall and and into the bed.
I feel her scooch up behind me rapping her arm around me pulling me in tightly, I instantly relax and untense my muscles as I try to take my mind off things.
   "Trust me, it will go great"
She whispers in my ear reassuringly knowing I was a nervous reck.
I nod and let out a shaky breath.
I say scooting farther up against her intertwining my fingers with hers.
She responds nuzzled in my neck.
I smile wide.
   "I love you"
I say genuinely.
I don't know why I felt the need to say it but I did. She helps me so much with countless things and I don't know any other way to thank her.
I feel her smile against my neck which makes my cheeks warm and redden.
   "I love you more"
She whispers in the crook of my neck.
   "pff BET"
I respond playfully lightly laughing.
You see what she does to me?
She giggles.
   "Oh yeah?"
I say turning quickly, jumping on top of her stradling her.
I stop and just smile wide admiring her as she giggles. God am i lucky.
I take a long stare at her face as a smile stays plastered on my face, stuck.
My eyes travel down to her lips as I lick mine.
I lean down and place a light kiss on her lips letting it linger for a moment.
God I really fell for her huh?
I pull away and lean my forehead against hers and just look into those beautiful hazel eyes, all I can do it smile.
She blushes like crazy after I pull away from her forehead looking back at her face
I love seeing her genuinely happy.
I fall to her side and pull her in as tight as humanly possible and actually relax fully.
I slowly trickle away into sleep with her in my arms.

I wake up to that God AWFUL alarm at seven in the morning and instantly all the shit I have to do today before the release tonight hit me and I become overwhelmed quickly.
I look down to see her snuggled into my chest and all that goes away.
She groans knowing it was time to get up.
   "Cmon mama, gotta get up"
I say sweetly in her ear.
She groans as she stretches pulling away from me.
I hope today goes well.
I hop up and head to my closest as Rose still struggles to get up.
I have had this fit picked out for weeks, I had it made by a bootleg designer. It was a all white sweat suit with the Louis Vuitton logo in rainbow scattered all over with a bucket hat and a mask, but I have to put that on later for the 'Billie Experience'
I picked out something casual and headed to the bathroom and threw it on quickly knowing we were in a hurry, I put on some light mascara and headed back to the bedroom still brushing my hair.
I whistle as I walk in seeing her pantsless.
   "Damn mama"
I say smacking her ass as I walk by heading over to my shoes.
She blushes intensely and smirks.
We finish getting ready and head out to door, we had a busy day ahead.
My parents are meeting me at the meeting with my label to discuss a few things, unfortunately Rose can't come in but she said she would head an get us some taco bell for to road.
The day goes by slow, hours goes by of planning and such and it gets time to head to the experience.
I change in the car which was fucking HARD.
   "You ready baby?"
She asks woreyly.
I think for a moment.
I smile and nod knowing damn well i'm nervous.
I look down at my phone and realize the time.
   "damn it's already 9"
I ask slightly shocked.
She responds.
We head to the experience, the car ride was silent.
When we arrive and head inside to meet up with my family.
   "Hey Billie!"
My mom exclaims.
   "Hi momma"
I say walking over for a hug.
Everyone joins in for a group hug, Rose stands awkwardly aside.
   "Come here!"
I yell.
She giggles as she walks over to join in.
I pull away and drag Rose to the entrance of the first room.
The night went great, a few friends came and we danced and played stupidly, then Danielle came... i love Dani to death but she has always had a little crush on me and has been jealous of any girl who talks to me, let alone me having a girlfriend.
As I see Dani start to walk up towards us I see her face fall as she sees Rose's arm linked with mine.
   "Hey girll"
I say excitedly as she walks up, Rose with a big smile.
She says unamused, looking Rose up an down.
She stays silent for a moment staring Rose down.
   "I'm sorry, who the fuck are you?"
She asks rudely towards Rose breaking the silence.
Her smile falls.
   "She's my girlfriend, Rose"
I say interrupting.
I squeeze her side letting her know it was ok and everything was safe.
Danielle scoffs.
   "Is that a problem?"
I ask defensively, taking a step towards her.
She says cleaning up her act acting careless.
Music was playing and all three of us decided to dance like idiots joining in on the bell twins, Isaac and Elijah.
Dani kept coming up on me and I kept moving away trying not to make it obvious. Dani grabs my waist and I pull away giving her a look, anger fills within her, she looks at Rose with the dirtiest look as she BLATENLY moves up to me and smashes her lips against mine with a smirk knowing she could ruin shit. I immediately push away.
I scream in her face.
She laughs deeply with a wide smirk knowing what she was doing.
That bitch.
I look over to Rose, she looked broken, a tear fell down her cheek as she ran off.
   "Rose wait-"
I yell walking a few steps towards her direction.
My heart dropped.
I looked over to Danielle with the angriest face I could make.
I yell slapping her hard.
She looks me in my eyes taking a step towards me.
   "You're gonna regret that"
She says agrily.
She lunges toward me throwing her fist at my face leaving my lip cut. I feel blood trickle from my nose, I laugh as I lunge on top of her taking her to the ground hitting and kicking her in anyway possible out of anger. The twins break us up pulling me off as the other holds her back.
   "I'm fine!"
I say flinching out of Isaac's arms.
I look to my left to see Rose staring far in the distance in shock. She must have heard the fight start before she got to far.
I ran over to her, but before I could even get her in a hug she slammed her lips against mine.
She slid her arms around my waist as  I cupped her cheeks.
I look at her confused as I pulled away.
Before I even got a word out she interrupts.
   "I love you so much"
She says leaning her forehead on mine.
I smile but quickly retreat feeling the pain in my lip.
   "I love you too mama, but what was all that for?"
I ask confused.
Her smiles falls slightly.
   "It's just...no one has ever done something like that for me...ever"
She says shyly looking down.
   "Like I said, I love you, remember?"
I say pulling her into a hug.
I feel her smile against my chest. She quickly pulls away looking at my bloody n bruised face cupping my cheek softly.
   "Are you ok? come with my i'll clean you up i-"
I interrupt her kissing her again softly.
   "I'm fine baby"
She leads me to the bathroom and finds the first aid kit to clean me up.
She says pointing to the counter.
I do as she says and hop on top of the counter.
   "I know a lot about cleaning up cuts an such sense I have gotten in a few"
I nod as she wipes the blood off my nose with a alcohol wipe.
   "Thank you"
She says.
I pick up her chin so her eyes meet mine.
   "I would never let anyone hurt you like that. never"
I say reassuringly letting go of her chin so she can finish cleaning me up.
She smiles wide.
   "I'm still sorr-"
I start but she interrupts.
   "Stop, there's no need to be sorry, it was all her anyway and what you did for me was enough"
She says interrupting finishing cleaning up my face.
I smirk getting closer to her face.
   "You sure there is no way I could repay you"
I say seductively gripping her waist hopping off the counter.
Her cheeks redden.
   "Maybe later tonight"
She says breathlessy backing up against the wall.
   "Or now"
I say pressing my lips against hers.
Someone knocks on the door. of course.
I pull away slightly annoyed.
   "Billie are you in there? 5 minutes till midnight.
My mom says.
I look down at my watch.
I walk over to the door opening it as Rose follows.
   "Billie wha-"
I shake my head looking down.
My mom says sternly.
I huff.
I say quietly.
She yells.
Rose gribs my side.
I stay silent for a moment.
   "Can we please talk about it later?"
She looks down.
She agrees angrily.
   "Cmon let's go meet with the others"
I say walking past my mom, Rose and
I walk up to Isaac and Elijah expecting them to explain where Danielle went.
   "Where is she?"
I ask sternly.
   "She ran to her car an sped off"
Eli responds.
   "Or should you say limped off"
Isaac cuts in.
I laugh relaxing, pulling Rose into my side.
   "Bro you beat her fucking ass, she was bruised EVERYWHERE"
Eli says excitedly.
   "Yeah i've never seen you like that before"
Isaac says.
I shrug.
   "I guess you do crazy things for people you love"
They both look at me funnily.
   "You cheezy motherfucker"
Isaac says laughing.
Rose giggles into my side.
   "Well I'm happy for you guys"
Eli says genuinely.
   "Thank you"
Me an Rose both say in sinc.
We both giggle.
I hear my family counting down from ten.
Rose and the twins joins in as I blush.
Everyone screams running over to hug me.
I haven't been this happy in so long, I have my girl, my family, my friends, MY FANS, it couldn't be any better.
My phone starts blowing up with texts for congrats etc and I reply excitedly to all of them.
I scroll threw my tagged to see to see how everyone has liked it so far, I hope there good.
I scrolled and scrolled seeing all the amazing reviews on it, I started to tear up seeing all the people cry over it and say how amazing it was. I felt Rose hug me right from behind.
I intertwine my fingers with hers.
God do I love her.
A few hours of pass of interviews, photos and partying and it was getting late.
I say my goodbyes and take Rose to the car.
She leans against the car and I can't help but stare.
I walk up slow and press my hands against her hips and admire her facial features, she smiles blushing slightly.
My eyes trickle down to her lips as I get closer to her face.
I press my lips against hers as I cup her cheek with one hand, keeping one on her waist.
The kiss deepened quick but I slowed it knowing we had to get home before another waterhole incident happened and plus theres a lot of paparazzi around.
I broke it and set my forehead on hers.
   "Let's go home"
I say quietly, smirking.
She nods biting her lip as she opens the car door.

Authors note:
I'm sorry it took so long, I just have been really busy. Maybe some smut next chapter 👀
Words: 2070

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