Chapter One ~introduction~

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"Would you shut the fuck up already?"My mom rolled over, and groaned. "It's so damn loud in here."

"Karen, if you have a migraine then go to bed." My dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "We're unpacking right now."

"Its to hot in there." She gulped what was left of her beer, and wiped her hand across her face. Her makeup was smeared, and stained her sleeve.
"It's hot in here too."

"Take a break. I'm putting her to bed. Go take some pictures of the house for grandma, or something.?" He told me, then bent down and scooped my mom up.

"Get my drink, its on the table." I heard my mom say, as I opened the front door.

"No, you don't need anymore of that." My dad mumbled to her, and pushed their bedroom door open.

We all grieve differently, I guess. I sighed, and shook my head.

I put in my earphones, and walked to the backyard.

I liked this house way better than our old apartment. It was quieter here, and prettier. I thought.

I reached for the gates latch, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I dropped my phone, and my earphones went down with it. I spun around, and my fist collided with a guys nose.

"What the heck?" The blond guy winced, and touched his face. "I just wanted to give you a pie. Am I bleeding? I think I'm bleeding."

"Sorry, next time find another way to get my attention man." I fished for my phone, in the bush next to me. "Just put it on the porch, thank you."

"So, uh what's your name?" He sat it on the porch railing. He wore a Minecraft t-shirt and joggers. He was kind of shrimpy, with pale skin, and blue eyes. "I'm Noah."

"Autumn." I shoved my phone in my pocket, and squated down to pet my pitbull. She was barking, and growling at him, from the other side of the gate.

"So uh, are you going to the college down the road?" He leaned against my house.

"Yeah, why?" I sat on the ground, and crossed my legs. "You go there or something?"

"Yeah, I'm actually about to graduate. I finished high school early." He gave me two thumbs up. "I majored in mathematics."

"I Still haven't chose my major." I stood, and brushed the grass of my jeans.

"That's fine, you have plenty of time to decide." He went silent for a moment.

"What?" I raised a brow. "You look like you want to say something."

"Well, uh there's a music festival thing tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to come." He held up his hands, "-but it wouldn't be like a date, like just as friends." He fidgeted.

"When is it?"

"It's in a hour." He looked at his watch. "I could drive you."

"I'd rather drive myself, but thanks for the offer. Where is it?" I brushed my short black hair out my face.

"Look up Willow peek avenue. You'll know you're there, when you see all the cars." He tried to hide his disappointment, by looking at his shoes. "It's in the middle of the woods, by the Willow peek Lake."

"Alright, cool.Where do you want to meet?"

"There's a stage in the middle of the clearing. We can meet there some of my college friends are performing tonight. You can hang out back stage with me, if you want." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Sure, I'll See you there." I pressed my lips together, and started putting my ear buds back in.

"Do I hear a boy?" My dad made both of us jump. "Oh, did it bring pie?"

"I was just coming to drop it off, my mom made it. I'm your neighbor, Noah." Noah scratched his arm, and laughed nervously.

"Well, tell her it's a good pie." My dad picked up a slice with his hand, and took a bite.

"I will, have a good day." He did a weird bow thing, and then hurried back to his house, across the street.

"That's a weird one. Did you notice the bloody nose?"

"I punched him." I shrugged. "He scared me, by accident."

 "If your going to that festival thing, be back by twelve." My dad picked up the pie, and carried it inside.

"Alright." I called back, but the screen door had already slammed shut.

Author's note : Animation will be coming out for chapter one August 1st, 2019. A link will be posted ❤

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