Play nice

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George, Alex, and will were all in the living room playing some FIFA. Alex and George were fighting over who is taller, obviously will didn't engage in this dumb argument because he's very tall and everyone knows it. Obviously they got sidetracked and started talking about who is more attractive then will jumped in. George brought up the fact that he is a very very muscular man and that he could take them all in a fight and he has lots of muscle so he is very attractive. Alex brings up the fact that he is very adorable and all of his fans think he is the hottest thing in the world. Finally will brings up the fact that he has an amazing jaw structure even though he looks like a rectangle. Then Pyro comes from nowhere saying that they are all retarded and ugly and that he is the most attractive. He then brings up a cup of bell Delphene's bathwater and proceeds to drink it whilst dabbing and crying uncontrollably. They all proceed to throw popcorn at him and then tell him to frick out of their lives and leave their memes alone.

They all died the next morning.

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