Chapter 16 (AKA Ink's Breakdown)

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Ink creates another new AU, pleased to see no sign of the destroyer.

Guess he's really gone.

Honey walks in, sighing.

"Still no sign of Blue." Ink nods.

"We can track him down more easily now that we aren't fighting the Destroyer all the time." Honey nods.

"Why do you think he opened a portal to the Void? Why didn't he do it earlier?" Ink shrugs.

"Don't know. Don't care. The Destroyer is out of our lives, and everything is good. I can infinitely create and not have to worry about Error destroying my AUs."

Ink blinks and opens up the codes of the universes, and 5 separate universes have just disappeared, with nearly double that slowly disintegrating, according to how the code is vanishing.



"We need to find Error, NOW!"

*Weeks later*

Nearly all the universes in that area have disintegrated.

Ink is breaking down.

Outer and Honey are watching Ink break down to his worst self. Ink is cussing and has thrown quite a few bone attacks at people who told him Error wasn't possibly the one doing the destruction. Ink, despite seeing Error fall into Void, continues insisting Error MUST be behind the destruction. Honey continues searching for Blue, looking out for the Destroyer on the side. Outer leaves the Star Sansi headquarters, heading home. He doesn't know what to think anymore. Ink seems to be losing it, so who knows what he left out when describing how Error died. Outer sits on a floating island, thinking.
"Ink has gotten worse, due to this whole debacle. He was super smug about winning. He had killed Error, so I guess he deserved a little smugness, but both Color and Dream had vanished a couple of days after Ink 'killed' Error." Outer sighs, the words not making any more sense outside his head than inside. Outer hears a portal open, and turns, surprised to see Dream and Nightmare.

"Outer, before you freak out, hear what we have to say." Outer stands slowly, staring at Nightmare.

"Did Nightmare have a change of heart? What happened that lead to you two being together?" Nightmare looks at the third person leaving the portal, the blue scarf and matching eyelights, along with the battle body recognizable of the Sans of Underswap.

"Blue? You've been MIA for a while, Honey has been looking for you." Blue nods slowly.

"I won't go back to Underswap, where I'm constantly being watched and expected to behave as my boisterous self from before I met Error and discovered the truth of our world, that all of us have Fates. Have our life's purpose dictated by another born more powerful than us. Outer, if you come with us, and hear me out, you'll learn that the reality of this universe-this multiverse-isn't what it seems." Outer blinks, and looks around for a second, before taking Blue's hand.

"I'll give you a chance."

Honey teleports back to Underswap and heads right home. He doesn't stop at Muffet's, and once he's home, he does nothing. He sits on the couch, remembering the Blue he grew up with. The rambunctious, happy, energetic, never-give-up brother he looked up to and admired. He fucked up big time. If he hadn't fucked up so massively, maybe Blue would still trust him. Maybe Blue would still be around. Maybe...Ink wouldn't be so fucked up...

Ink has taken a downward spiral ever since universes started disintegrating. Soon, no universe will remain except Undertale. Honey looks at the bottle of honey in his hand, gears turning.

Reaper and Life, from ReaperTale, were both required. When Life died in RT (ReaperTale), Entropy, the end of all, began. Honey hums thoughtfully.

What if the opposite is true too? What if Reaper had died? Would Entropy have started as well? What form would it have taken? Honey gasps.

Life would have expanded until there was no space, and things would have started mass-extinction to clear space for more life.

Geno teleports, unbeknownst to the other Sansi in the castle of Nightmare. Where did he go? Why, to ReaperTale, of course. The mass-exodus of life had perked Geno's thinking, and the only other place in which a mass-exodus happened was ReaperTale. Geno sits with the Toriel of this world, Life, who is thinking about Geno's thought.

"Geno, it does make sense, that if the absence of Life would create and Entropic world, then the absence of Death would cause an Entropic world of an equal but opposite caliber. The end result, however, would be the same." Geno nods.

"So, if Creation was the equivalent of Life, then Destruction would be the equivalent of Death?" Life nods.

"Yes, Geno." Geno sighs.

"That's why the universes have been disintegrating for a while since Error vanished." Life chuckles softly.

"We both know Error did not die." Geno blinks, looking at Life.

"How do you know?" Life hums softly.

"I'm Life dear. I can feel lives extinguish, and when Error fell into the Void, I did not feel a life go out. Rather, it was pulled out of the plane of existence we operate on." Geno blushes softly.

"Alright, thank you. I was just checking if Entropy was what was happening to the multiverse." Life nods.

"Geno, you may want to tell your buddies to move their ops to Undertale, as many AUs will be affected by this Entropy..." Geno nods, teleporting back to the castle, just as Nightmare, Dream, and Blue come in with Outer.

Geno mentions to the other skeletons that Life had confirmed his theory of Entropy, and the warning that only Undertale will be safe from the Entropic virus.

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