Part 7

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Keira went to her Chinese class she tried her best to be on time. When she walked in

Mrs. Quan said "finally you're on time" "yeah" Keira replied "kay good now Zuò xià"

Keira went to go sit down as Mrs. Quan walked up to the front of the classroom "ok 

everyone today we are Qù liǎojiě dìdiǎn yǐjí rúhé nòng qīngchǔ rúhé lǐjiě tāmen dì dìtú"

then Mrs. Quan was about to start when some of the typical late kids started coming 

in and took their seats. Mrs. Quan looked annoyed as she took a deep breath "ok... now 

that everybody is here finally let us begin" then she finally got the lesson going. When 

Keira's Chinese class was over Keira went straight to club. 


She walked inside and saw everybody working on their drawings for the nature painting 

"hey Shan" "Ke you made it good here" Shannon handed Keira her drawing back "ok 

grab a watercolor paper and start working because we need to finish fast the club fair

is in a month and we don't have any time to waste" "you're right Shannon" said 

Bailey then Keira sat down next to Stanley this time and began to work on editing 

her Parodia sketch when she started to hear lots of noise "who keeps being 

so loud?" she asked "oh it's that damn Math club" then Stanley stood up and 

yelled out the door  "Hey Can you guys be quiet we're trying to draw here!". Maverick

heard him and went over to the door and peeked his head out and replied "oh boy here 

we go again well at least we're doing something with our lives" "wait what!?" Stanley 

said getting annoyed "what did hey say?" Shannon asked "he said Art was a waste of

Time" "oh! 😠" said Shannon then she stood up, peeked her head of the door as well and

Told Maverick "oh and math isn't a waste either cause I think it is especially the math 

Club because all you guys do is make noise and talk about math assignments and being

Tutors for the middle schoolers at least what we're gonna do for the annual school club

Fair" "yeah" Stanley replied "I bet you guys don't even know what to do yet" " yeah we do" 

Maverick replied "what is it?" "I'm not telling you! 🙄" "that's cause you don't have anything"

"Oh we do and besides what you guys are working on is not benefiting anybody like what's 

so great about Art? like seriously you guys should be something more productive but no! 😒"

"yeah" said Milo one of the Math club members  "Ugh! 😤" said Shannon getting annoyed. 

"Never can handle the truth Shan ha it's no wonder Liam and the school are giving us the

people that deserve the credit instead of you guys" "WHAT!?" said both Stanley and Shannon

"now Shannon is ANGRY!" "Wait hold up...what he say?" Bailey asked. Stanley told her "oh HELL 

NO!! 😡😡" Bailey replied "wait what?" Lilian asked then Bailey told Lil. Lilian then became 

furious and went over to the door and began going back and forth with Milo and Maverick. 

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