Chapter 5

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Tony dodged the punch aimed by Rogers, trying his best to get his hands on Barnes. He killed his parents and Rogers knew this whole time. He fought, mind clouded with anger, but whatever he did, he was outnumbered. The next thing he knew, Rogers had ran his shield right through his arc reactor, and he immediately collapsed. He could see them smirking, looking down at him.
Tony blinked, and suddenly Peter was on his side. "DAD! Come on wake up!", tears rolling down his cheeks.
What was Peter doing here in Siberia?

The scene changed but now he was standing, and on the floor was Peter, his son, bleeding. Rogers grinned, "Maybe you should've listened to me, Stark." And then he raised his shield, brought it down, fast, towards Peter's chest.

"NO!!NOT PETER!! PETER NO!!", Tony screamed, he couldn't hear anything right now. Everything was fuzzy.

"Dad! Wake up! Dad, It's okay. I'm here."

He jolted awake.He was sobbing as Peter pulled his head to his chest. "Deep breath, Dad. Come on, follow me." he started to follow Peter's exaggerated breathing and calmed down.
"It's okay Dad. I'm fine, you're fine, we're safe. It's still early, how about you close your eyes, huh?"
Tony relaxed, trying to feel his son's heartbeat. He felt asleep after he was sure that Peter was safe and fine.
Peter was fuming. He was so going to punch Rogers when he see him.He decided that to skip school this week. Tony needed him.

After Natasha has escorted Wanda to her room, the other had called SHIELD and explained what had happened and they had gotten rid of the intruder's body. They were shocked, because his head was cracked open due to the kid's punch.

Two days later, Steve,Sam and Bucky were in the training room, wanted to let out some stress by sparring. Clint had gone to visit his family for the weekend while Wanda was in the compound garden with Vision (Who had just gotten back from a mission with Rhodey).Rhodey came as soon as he heard what had happened and came to check on Tony and Peter. He told the others that they were both fine, but needed time to rest.

Natasha was in her room, thinking about the kid, who they still didn't know what his name was, because Rhodey refused to tell them anything about the boy. She wasn't surprised at all that Rhodey already knew.But how? Who's the mother? She wasn't trying to spy on him, but just curious.

Her thought was intrupted by the knocking on her door. She silently opened the door, and was surprised to see Tony Stark, and a boy peeking from his shoulder. 'Why is he acting shy? He didn't look that shy when he punched that man to death?'. Rhodey had mentioned that the kid still didn't know that the man had died because he didn't want the boy to feel guilty, so they'd agreed not to talk about it.

"Hey.", Tony broke the silent. She was confused about what was going on, but just smiled softly and stepped aside. "Come in".

She glanced at the both of them and glad that they both looked fine.She sat on her bed, while Tony and Peter went for the couch.Tony once again broke the silent.

"I just wanted to.... thank you.I mean... er FRIDAY showed us the footage after the incident, and thanks for-,"

"It's nothing, Tony. It's nothing compared to what you had done for us, and I'm sorry, for everything", she smiled.She could see that the boy, sat closed to Tony, staring at his feet, but was ready to protect Tony if anything went bad.She found the protectiveness somewhat, refreshing.

"Well, kid, introduce yourself.", he looked at Peter and gave him a reassuring smile,wrapped his arm on his shoulder.He looked nervous and Tony knew that the kid was a fan of Black Widow before everything went south.

"H-hi. My name's Peter. Nice to meet you, Ms Romanoff".

"Please, just Natasha." she couldn't help but smile at how sweet this boy was. 'So his name is Peter'.They all sat in an awkward silence before Natasha had enough. She figured if they wanted to make things right, then she needed to be on Peter's good side. And she was happy that Tony trusted her enough to introduce his son.So she turned to Peter.

"Do you want to hang out with me in the training room, tomorrow? Your dad can join us if you want."

Peter wanted to told her that Tony wasn't his dad, but well, he was, in his heart so it didn't really matter. He turned his face to Tony, eyes wide with excitement.Tony just chuckled and ruffled his hair,nodding his head.

Natasha couldn't take her eyes of them.Her heart just melted at the sweetness. How did she not know about this sweet boy?Seeing Tony acting so soft and paternal made her think that maybe she didn't knew the real Tony.

The next day, the were all in the training room. Natasha was teaching Peter some fighting tricks while Tony just sat at the corner, scrolling down his emails. He had gone for too long and figured he should pay attention to his work, glancing at the duo every now and then. He could see that they both were enjoying the moment.He never thought Black Widow could act so soft around a teenager, but again, it was Peter.He decided that Peter would be okay with Natasha, so he left to cook lunch.

They were laughing about something when the others came into the training room, wanting to train together but were surprised to see Natasha and Peter sparred playfully.

Peter eyes went cold as he walked to Mr Icepop and punch him, not to hard, but hard enough to send him flying five feet frow his spot.Natasha, and the others were to stun to do anything, but she quickly moved to Peter's side, holding his arm.

"You! You hurt my dad! How dare you!You left him to die! He trusted you!" he yelled, looking at Rogers who was still on the floor.

"He tried to kill buck-,"

"He killed his parents!"

"He was brainwashed!", Peter just gave him cold eyes and chuckled darkly.

Natasha looked at the others and they didn't know how to handle this. They didn't want to upset him more that he already was. Wanda, Sam and Clint (who just got back this morning) were looking at her,eyes mixed with worry and concern, silently telling her to calm the boy down while Bucky was kneeling next to Steve.Before she could speak, Peter continued.

"Tell me, Rogers.", voice cold.
"Tell me, if I was brainwashed, and I killed your best friend that you love so much, and Tony knew but hid it from you,tell me you would not react the same.Tell me Clint, if I killed your family because I was brainwashed and Tony hid it from you, would you react the same?"

Clint flinched, face hard,while the others looked like they were thinking the same, clearly hadn't thought of it from this perspective.Natasha could see the tears rolling down on Steve cheeks. She was angry at him and but she couldn't help but worry. He had taken all the harsh blame.Maybe after this they should talk to him.


Bucky could hear the boy called him but he was to ashame to look at him.

"Mr.Barnes, I'm sorry"

Bucky snapped his head, he was taken back by the soft eyes and tone the boy had given him. Why?

"I'm sorry you were brainwashed, sorry that you didn't have choices,sorry you had to be in this kind of situation.", Bucky just looked at him with thin mouth, speechless.He quickly looked away.

"And I'm sorry, Nat. It wasn't fair for you too.You were trying to hold the team together. It wasn't fair to make you choose and played both sides," Natasha just stoned, eyes wet. Everything was overwhelming at the moment.

Peter eyes went from soft to cold when he glanced over to the others.

"The same thing can't be said to the rest of you, though". Without wasting time he walked out from the training room and headed to the kitchen, but bumped into a frantic looking Tony half way up. "Peter!Are you ok?FRIDAY showed me what happened an-," "It's fine, Dad. Come on let's eat." Peter cut him off and led him back to their floor.

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