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You woke up hearing banging on the door.

Y/n:n-ne oppa
Jin:You better hurry up!
Y/n quickly took a shower and went fownstairs to go to school.Breakfast? Nope your brothers don't let you eat.That is why you had to eat out by yourself.Y/n saw your brothers sitting on the couch crossing their arms in annoyed.
Yoongi:Your gonna walk today,No buts and i don't care
Y/n:o-ok oppa
Yoongi:and stop calling us oppa.Ur not even our sister.Ur a killer!
The words he said to you stabs your heart,broken into million pieces.You walkee to school with scars on your body but you covered them up with make-up and wore long sleeve eventhough its hot.

*Time skip in school*

You went to ur locker and took the things u need for science class.Before you open the locker you saw a note onit that says "Go kill yourself Bts don't even love you.They are not your brothers.Your just a burden to them."

After reading it your body was slammed against the locker.You turned around and saw none other than NAYEON.She walks closer to u and pulls your hair to the toilet,followed by her minions.
Y/n: ahh let go!! It hurts!*she let go and push u to the sink*
Nayeon:Stay away from them they are mine not yours.Plus ur just a SLUT and a KILLER!You killed their parents.Don't you know that actually they wanted to kill you. *she laughs evily after saying those words*
She turned on the tap and pulls ur hair.*dunks ur head in the sink full of water* They were laughing at how miserable u look.After 15 mins of dunking it they started beating u up,adding more scars on u.Wow just great.

*Skip lunch time*

You did not eat but instead go to the rooftop and sat at the edge of it getting ready to jump off as you can't handle it anymore.Tears flow like a waterfall non-stop.

Y/n:Im sorry...im sorry...im sorry.I shouldn't be alive...shouldn't be born..shouldn't be breathing nor in this world.I bet my brothers will be happy if im gone...forever.They will be smilling all day without me and not be angry always at me.I bet their burdensome will be less .*u started singing*
I'm sorry mom and dad i knoe i messed up bad i shouldve shouldve done,should've done better.Im sorry mom and dad for all the time i had to get my life to get my life together but i didnt.song:To my parents.

I don't wanna be alive
I don't wanna be alive
I just wanna die today
I just wanna die
I don't wanna be alive
I don't wanna be alive
I just wanna die
And let me tell you why

All this other shit I'm talkin' 'bout they think they know it
I've been praying for somebody to save me, no one's heroic
And my life don't even matter
I know it I know it I know I'm hurting deep down but can't show it
I never had a place to call my own
I never had a home
Ain't nobody callin' my phone
Where you been? Where you at? What's on your mind?
They say every life precious but nobody care about mine.song-logic by khalid

Without noticing actually someone is behind you listening to it.He felt sad and guilty.You get ready to jump,you stood up straight and say the last words of yours.
Y/n: Oppas'  I love you soo much.Please be happy without me.Don't forget about me.aka ur little slave,bitch and slut.Your life would be much easier without me.I'm sorry for our parents death.I'm sorry.Thank you for everything.Goidbye oppas and Goodbye world.*closed ur eyes*
But suddenly u felt two pair of strong arms wrapped around u and pulled u down.
Y/n:YAH LET GO!! LET ME DIE!! P-pls*crying hard while beating his chest*
???:Are u crazy!? Huh!? Stop all this nonsense.*hugs u thightly*
Y/n:*u looked up to tge famillar voice* J-jin o-oppa..? Why do u even care about me? Why? I deserve to die.
Jin:Do u think dying will make us happy in fact u will be mire burden as i have to pay for ur hospital cost and funeral u stupid hoe.*push you away*
Y/n:*in ur mind* ouch that really hurts.He obviously doesn't care about me.who will? No one.

*Time skip home*

Y/n walked in tge house seeing tgem with an angry face.
Hoseok:Yah how dare you come back home late!?
Taehyung:Why did u beat Nayeon and dunk her head in the sink huh!?
They shouted at u angrily.
Y/n: I did not do that to her in fact she is the one who did to me!
Namjoon:How dare you talk backto us.Give some respect!
Y/n:respect? To u? Pfft you don't even respect me.All you do ia beat me up,blame me on things i never do,dont even care about me.All i want is being loved by my brothers just like hiw i love all of you but guess what i got...i got nothing.ALL I GET IS HATE!!
Jin:and yeah trying to solve the hate by suiciding huh!?*the boys got shocked for awhile but back to their angry mode again.
Jimin:Wow...tae,jungkook bring her to the basement and lock her up there.Don't let her go out.
Y/n:w-what! No no i don't want to go!!pls oppa!!*you struggle to get out from their grip but they are too strong.You feel helpless.All of them got in the room and beat you up for a good 1 hour of hell.While they were beating u up,u suddenly coughed out blood.Jungkook noticed it and shrug it off thinking it was normal.They left the room and locked u in there.

Jimin:Don't go anywhere for 4 days got it u piece of shit!*slams the door*
Your body was hurting everywhere.You suddenly feel the urge to vomit so u vomitted but instead of food u vomitted....BLOOD..ALOT OF IT.
Y/n:*shocked* W-ww-what is happening to me?? No n-no..
You blacked out and pass out on the floor.

The next day tae went to the basement to wake u up.Since it was a weekend they decided to ask u to clean the house whipe they go out to play.When tae opens the door he was very shocked looking at the state ur in.

Taehyung:Yah y/n! Wake up stop sleeping already.*kicks you not that hard*
Tae:yah wake up u pig!*goes closer to u and shakes u up*
Y/n:*quiet* *not miving nor responding.
Tae got abit worried as he saw the pool of blood and some blood stand on ur mouth.He checked ur forehead nothing but when he checked your pulse...NOTHING

Tae got panicked as ur not breathing and quickly yell for the others.
Jin:aish what taking u so-*worss got cut off when he sees u so pale*
Namjoon:what happened to her?
Tae:Hurry lets bring her to the hospital! Shes not breathing!Theres no pulse!
They were all shocked

To be continued~

Hello guys sorry if i didn't upload quite a long time.I'm currently busy with my studies as my major exams are upcoming soon.Yeah but don't worry i'll try my best to upload more episodes!!

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