The Photographer And The Prince

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I clicked another photo of the pine trees, zooming in and out, trying to find the best way.

I pulled my green cashmere sweater down more over my hands, trying to keep my ungloved hands from turning any more blue than what the November breeze was already doing.

With a sigh, I placed my camera back around my neck, the cool piece of metal chilling against my warmed skin. I picked up my back pack, slinging it over one shoulder and walking back to the house. I walked at a slow pace, breathing in the smell of pine and seasoning, letting me know the hard holiday of Thanksgiving is coming closer each time the sunsets.

The wind swept my two-toned hair over my eyes, blinding me for a split second, making me stumble over my feet awkwardly.

After I caught my balance, I saw the sun peek over the nearby mountains, kissing the tall pine trees, mixing the colours of pink and orange, illuminating a soft glow over the horizon.

Colorado was having a bit of snow dusting and will sleet for the rest of the week. So I'm off of work for the rest of the week, taking photographs and hanging out with Tyson, my German Shepherd of a dog.

I was walking up the walk way when I heard a twig snap in the nearby distance. I quickly whirled around, my eyes searching for the culprit.

After a good five minutes, I was about to continue my walk, when my eye caught something blue in the thick woods.

Something in the colour lured me to it, enticing me to follow it through the woods. And then it was gone.

Just like that. As it disappeared I fell out of a daze, as if the colour brought me into a trance.

I jogged up to my basal wood door and looked over my shoulder once more, seeing nothing, I turned the knob, entering the warmth of the cottage.

This particular cottage was built back in the nineteenth century by my ancestor, Estelle Wright when she ran away from her sex master. She built this cottage out of sweat, hard work, and determination. One day, three years later, Estelle went into town for the market, she bought the necessary items and returned home, but on her way she met a young Prince seeking a wife. So, this cottage was abandoned and she moved into his castle where she bared him three children, two boys and one girl. They both died in old age together when their eldest son was of age to become king.

I closed the door behind me and peeled the sweater off my now too warm body. I crossed over to the living room and quickly began a fire in the stone fireplace, waiting for the fire to take effect. I heard sharp claws across the wood flooring as Tyson walked closer.

The cottage had a warm cozy feeling to it.

In the living room I had a big, fluffy recliner, a long bulky couch, a circular throw rug on the floor under the wooden table, where magazines and my newest novel sat. Tyson hopped onto his dog bed that was situated by the fireplace.

I walked to the kitchen and took out a tea kettle, filling it with water and setting it on the stove. I turned the stove on and grabbed a tea bag from the above cabinet. Setting the tea bags beside the stove I went to the fridge in search of chocolate, for me to nibble on until my water was fully hot.

I walled back into the living room, chocolate bar in hand, I flopped down on the couch and leaned back, thinking of the events that happened two days ago.

"Sweety? I'm home early, for once, I thought we could go out or something?" I called, but silence greeted me. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Babe?" I called once more, walking up the stairs. I saw that all rooms were intact except for ours. Thinking that he was just sleeping, I quietly opened the door and peeled in. I was horrified at the scene before me.

"Oh yeah! Amanda stroke like that again! Ooooh! I'm coming, I'm coming!" My soon-to-be ex husband exclaims as he and 'Amanda' reaches a climax, fulfilling the empty sex void I never gave him.

"Oh that was fantastic baby," She crooned running her fingers over his cock once more.

"Yeah it was, now leave before my wife returns," He said, and then finally looked over at the door and he spotted me. His eyes widened and he shot up, knocking Amanda over in the process.

"Hope! I-in-I- we- I'm sorry baby!" He exclaimed,

"Too little too late. I'll finalize the divorce pronto and move out. You can keep everything except my money. I'm giving you a week to sign them." I handed him a stack of papers, classifying as divorce papers. Luckily, with me being a lawyer I carry around divorce papers and my resume.

"Okay..." He sighed in defeat and looked over at Amanda trying to fix her disgruntled look and straighten her hair out.

"Great! You can continue having sex now. Oh! And before I forget, Amanda? If he cheats on me he's gonna cheat on you. Keep that in mind." Then I sauntered out of there, driving up the mountains and here I am.

The harsh screeching sound of the kettle brought me out of my daydream, like a ice cold bucket of water was poured on top of me.

I stood up and put the thoughts of him to the back of my mind. I walked into the kitchen and prepared my tea, blowing on it before taking some sips.

I decided that a relaxing day was all I needed. So, I curled up on the couch and picked up my novel, Bride Thief.

However, my relaxing day was cut short as there was a knock on my door.

With a sigh I stood up and opened the door, seeing first the blue eyes that was vaguely familiar, then my eyes roamed all over his face.

Blue eyes, chiseled jaw, sharp and defined features, and boy did his face go with his body.

His jeans covered long lean legs, navy blue long sleeved V-neck shirt was on top of a defined chest and muscular shoulders and arms. His blue and white shoes made his black hair stand out. And overall his tan skin was gorgeous in the rising, sunny, cool morning of dawn.

"Yes?" I asked, tentatively, noticing how I was just standing there without moving and gazing at the gorgeous stranger.

"Um, hi?" He awkwardly scratched his head, looking down sheepishly. I watched amused at his nervous state. It's been two days since I actually smiled at another human being.

"Hi," I said with a smile, leaning against the door.

"Um, so, how's the weather?" He asked, nervously. I laughed a genuine laugh.

"It's cold. I'm Hope. You?" I asked, putting him out of his misery.

"Uh, I'm Nick," He held his large hand out, awaiting for me to except it.

I placed my much smaller hand in his, and gasp at the fire enlightening inside me. I looked up at Nick and noticed by his awe smile and happy expression he felt the same and knew what it was.

Soon I saw my life flash before my eyes, like the future is trying to tell me something.

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