The Photographer And The Prince

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Many images passed before my own eyes, some I only caught glimpses, but one stood out from the rest.

I was in a big white wedding dress, looking up with loving eyes thanking the Gods for whatever reason. As I walked down an aisle I saw the back of someone head. Black hair was all I could see, and the built was buff and muscular.

I released Nick' s hand, gasping at the memories of the images.

"Your my... Other,"He whispered. I began to panic and freak out. What was that? Why did I get a tingly feeling through my body at mere contact with him?

He cupped my cheek with one and, while he rested his other on my hip. "Shh, calm down. I'll explain everything to you soon, but right now you should probably sleep on it." He soothed.

"How soon?" I desperately asked.

"Tomorrow, honey. I promise," He kissed my forehead and waved goodbye, leaving my porch with one backwards glance. I looked after him,confused.

Why did he come to my door? Why did he act so calm about the whole images thing?

Many questions passed through my mind along the lines of these, but I just closed my door and walked back to my couch, sipping some more lukewarm tea and reading my romance novella, falling into a dreamless sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I felt as if yesterday was all a dream and that maybe I just imagined it. With that reassuring thought, I got up from my couch, stretching my sore muscles and popping them into place. I stretched my hands above my head, popping my back bone. I picked up my empty coffee cup and walked to the kitchen, my bare feet padding across the wooden floor. I placed my cup in the kitchen sink and ran some warm water over it. I stood there, looking out the window over the sink.

The trees were softly swaying as the wind whistled through their leaves, making most float to the ground. The sun was rising over the mountains, the colour being pink. A few birds were happily talking and singing in the early morning time, building a home and resting their black bodies on tree branches.

I turned from the peaceful scenery and went to my closet, pulling out some gray sweats and a pink tank top with gold writing that read ,'Sleep all day Party all night.' I pulled some pink fuzzy socks from my top drawer and slipped them on. I walked to my Sun room and sat on the window bench, deciding on a relaxation drawing day, filled with drawing and painting. I drew the kissed mountains and the Orange rays of the morning sunlight, shading darker in some areas. As I was figuring out the shape of my mountains, there was a knock on my door. Confused that someone would be out this far in the forest I set aside my materials and walked to the front door. I unlocked it and opened the door, revealing Nick.

So it wasn't a dream...

"Ready?" He asked with a big smile.

He looked exceptional today, a white V-neck thermal, black wrangler jeans hung low on his waist, a black coat adorned his heavy-set and muscular shoulders, matching with his converse that made him look young.

"Um, I should probably change first. Give me one second," I held up a pale slender finger and walked back to my room, leaving the front door open, for Nick to enter and wait.

I pulled out some dark blue skinny jeans, black thin, long sleeved shirt, black snow boots, and my black peacoat. I buttoned up the necessary buttons and grabbed my camera, slipping on the cool metal, feeling it seep through my skin and clothing. making me more calm. I walked to my dresser and searched through my jewelry. I finally found my mother's necklace. A thin fragile gold chain and golden locket laid in my upturned palm, making my softly smile at the memories that flooded me. I clasped it around my slender neck and grabbed my phone. I made my way to the living room, and saw Nick sitting on the couch, with a bouncing knee. Nervousness was etched across his face and was oblivious to my presence.

"I'm not gonna mess up, I'm not gonna mess up," He whispered, while chanting this mantra over again.

"Mess up what?" I asked, making myself known. His head shot up and a few strands of hair fell in his eyes.

"Um, nothing..." He trailed off. I didn't believe him, but let it slide.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on. My family wants to meet my Other anyway," He informed, allowing me to lock my front door before walking down the pathway.

"Other?" I asked, sliding onto the cool leather seats of the vehicle.

"Yeah, what humans call Soulmates," He explained.

"Humans? So your not human?"

"Well... I am human, just not... Fully," He vaguely answered. I decided that I should wait a while and refrain from asking questions. As we continued to make our way, so silence fell over us, yet, it was mostly comfortable. When we pulled up to a black steel gate, my breath caught.

Beyond these steely gates was a stoned palace. It looked like it belonged to royalty.

"Who goes there?" The voice spoke through the wooden speaker along the drivers side.

"Prince Nicholas," Nick answered, confidence and strength lacing his tone.

"What is one of the Royal Family's secrets?" The voice asked. Nick gave looked at me and answered the confidential question.

"They have their personally made Other," Sincerity was evident in his gentle tone. I gasped when I heard him say Prince Nicholas before. Prince?!

Before I could ask, the gates opened and Nick drove forward, the engine killing any sound I could've made.

When we finally parked, Nick hopped out and walked to my aide, pulling my door open. I stepped out and Nick wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

When I finally found my voice, we were halfway to the front door.

"Y-you r-royalty?" I asked

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