Chapter 2: Leadership

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A few hours later....

*Wha... what happened? Are we at the cafe, and why does my arm hurt so much. Oh, right*Bella said in her mind as she woke up. She looked around for a bit. The others had barricaded the backdoor and windows, and there were a few propane tanks in a corner.
*probably for the fridge*she thought as she got up. "Bella! Thank God you're OK!" Cleo said, hugging her. "Ouch! Easy on the arm!" She responded and hugged her back. "hey, you ok?" Will asked as he pecked her lips. "I'm OK, but what's going on here, shouldn't we go to mako?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "Not now, there are some walkers outside, and we don't want to waste ammo if they're gonna go away soon." She just nodded and went to the bathroom.
She came out a few minutes later and saw everyone at one table talking.
"Did I miss out on something?" she asked sitting down. "Well, a little bit but, not too much" Lewis spoke. "We need a leader or this group won't survive" Rikki said. "Oh, so how do we do this? Do we vote or?" Bella asked. "Well, we already voted. And we were wondering if.. you wanted to be the leader. You and Will?" Cleo asked. "Yeah, I said yes, do you want to?" Will asked her. Everyone looked at her. "Well, I never thought it would be Will and I. But, sure,it's the best for the group." she said and smiled. Everyone seemed relieved. "ok, there's only 2 walkers left, what do we do, wait or take them out?" Rikki asked. "I'll take care of them after we pack everything, we already got the solar powered lights and fridges in the trunk, ok?" Will asked and everyone nodded. After getting everything they had they opened the door and Will got out first. He stabbed the walkers in the head while the others ran to the boat. He jumped on too and they were off to Mako. They set up camp at the beach and collected some wood to make a fire.

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