Chapter 12

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Bonus chapter:

So the story here in case your confused about it,

its about when the story didn't end saddly,

but actually its about a book that y/n just read,

Y/n's POV:

Yah! Y/n-ah!!! Yahhhhhh!

What is it Jungkook-ah!?

Can I enter?

Yup you can, and can you pls don't shout like that ever again,pls?

Okay Sowwyy*pout

You don't need to act cute idiot

Well why are you crying again?

Huh? Ohh right hehe, I'm reading this book it's called If I Can Go Back To Time I'm just sad the male character died:<

Aishhh stop crying over that book, Btw what's the name of the characters?

Ohh the one had died has the same name as you:>

What?! Wait that couldn't be the book that Jin hyung wrote aish..

Huh so Jin hyung wrote this? Because actually his the one who gave it to me...

Wtf?! So he really did it!

Why so mad about it? Wait is that why our names are in here?!

Yeah idiot!

Wait lemme call jin!

On Call:

Yah Jin! What's with the book!?

Why y/n-ah? I'm at a fan signing, My book is a hit I'm so happy~

Jin-ah,yes your book is really great and I love it but I hope next time get some permission to the names your using, like they are our actual names there!

Y/n-ah I'm sorry bout that, but my inspiration is really you guys and of course you and your boyfriend jungkook, it's because I really love the story about a friend ship and a mutual relationship that's why when I looked at you guys I know that you guys are my inspiration to my book and the good thing is that I can always think about a new chapter because of you guys, and now the stealing of your names and my hard work paid off because the book is a hit y/n-ah~

Well, I'm actually glad that we became your inspiration and I guess your apology and your reason by using our names is actually accepted but next time get our permission first okay?

Okay y/n-ah, but what about jungkook? His the one who really didn't like the fact that I will use your names.

Jin-ah don't worry I will explain it to him, trust me:)

Okay thank you y/n-ah~ but bye now I need to continue to stay contact with my fans byeee~

Bye Jin~ and Congratulations!!!

Thank youuuu~ byeeee~

End Call:

Well? What is his reason?

Well jungkook-ah his reason is we are his inspiration I think that's an enough reason for me

Well not for me y/n-ah

Aishhh stop being so stubborn jungkook, we are his friends so stop hating him because of the fact that he use our names!

Alright-alright I'm sorry then....

Well, than being so stubborn let's just re-read the story so that you know how great author Jin is:)

Okay I think I'm fine with that, I love you y/n-ah

I love you tooo jungkookiee~


Soo because it's an bonus chapter it's kind of short and I'm sorry about that,
Well I hope you guys love it thank you for the support my beautiful readers!

Don't forget to comment and vote!💜


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