cooking | namjin

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(an: read on hoes.

-cecelia ditovian forétaite.)

"Namjoon," Jin called out. "Could you put in the instant rice?"

Seokjin and Namjoon were preparing dinner for the other members, who were currently all playing outside in the garden - all except Yoongi of course. He was being his usual grandpa self. ("You expect me to play TAG with you? No thanks - I'll be in the kitchen, filming the lovebirds." "But hyun-" *savage glare* *shuts up*)

"Sure," Namjoon responded, grabbing a pack from the cupboard and peeling back the lid (all the way), before sticking it in the microwave. He set the timer, and then walked towards Jin to help him cook the meat.

Jin moved over a bit, so there would be enough space for both of them to stand. He handed him a pair of tongs wordlessly, not once removing his sight from the precious meat, which was now sizzling temptingly. Together, they roasted the meat, with Jin occasionally chiding Namjoon ("No, do it THIS way..." "Careful, you'll burn the meat!")

All this while, Yoongi sat in the background, not saying a word, just contentedly filming the couple cook for their 'children'.

"Aaaand... done!" Jin said as he put the last of the food onto the table. Instead of going outside now to call the hungry boys, the pair just leaned back and waited for what they knew was going to happen next.

"Is that a dinner I smell?" Came Jeon Jungkook's voice from outside, loud and clear as day, followed by a series of happy shouts, presumably made by the other members. Within less than 5 seconds, Jungkook paraded into the kitchen, Tae trailing behind him, and instantly launched himself onto the food. In the middle of gorging, Tae suddenly looked up and asked, with his mouth full, "Is there any rice?"

"Yeah, in the microwave."

Jimin entered, and sat down at the table too, helping himself, to some meat, when-

"Yah! Why's the lid open all the way?" Tae exclaimed, looking scandalized, holding a pack of instant rice in his hands that he'd just taken out from the microwave.

Without even bothering to look up from his plate, Jungkook replied, "Namjoon hyung must've made it."

Tae just sighed heavily, and sat down once again to eat, emptying out the rice into his plate. The food was really good, and the maknae line was really savoring it, relishing each bite.

Until Jung Hoseok joined the party, yelling, "Food!" at the top of his voice.

The Sunshine Horse's crazy was contagious. As if on cue, all the members started scrambling for the food (no particular reason why), pushing and shoving and stuffing their faces as if there was no tomorrow. In no time, the food had vanished, and the members were walking out of the door, accompanied by a chorus of 'thank you's to their hyungs. (Interesting how they all bailed right when Jin made a comment about cleaning up.)

"I don't think those were our members. I'm pretty sure that was a band of monkeys," Namjoon told Jin seriously once they'd left the room.

"Is there even a difference at this point? Come on, let's clean up." He started collecting the plates from the table, and began to wash them at the sink. Meanwhile, Namjoon was picking up the utensils. They could faintly hear the TV being switched on in the living room, and the argument that ensued about what to watch. Then, "Ouch!" followed by a loud clank.

Jin immediately turned around to see Namjoon shaking his hand wildly in the air, blowing on it, and a pot lying on the floor near his feet - realization hit. "Did you just pick up a hot steel pot from the stove?"

The guilty look on Namjoon's face was answer enough.

Jin sighed dramatically. "Aish, jinjja..." he muttered under his breath, then looked at Namjoon and gestured for him to show his hand.

Namjoon winced a little as Jin carefully pulled off the rings from his fingers. You know, to prevent swelling. He then pulled Namjoon to the sink and put his hand under the cold running water.

"Paboyah!" Jin reprimanded him. "One day, you'll really hurt yourself bad."

Namjoon smirked - apparently the tap water was rick in the mineral of confidence. "But you'd be there, nursing me back to health; I'd get hurt gladly."

Jin tried to ignore the fluttering in his heart, instead choosing to roll his eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Won't it?" Namjoon replied smugly. Jin chuckled in response, and gave Namjoon a quick, fleeting peck on his cheek. But before he could pull back, Namjoon held his face gently with his hands, and placed another soft kiss on Jin's lips. Short, but sweet.

Trying to hide the flush rising in his cheeks, Jin quietly shut off the tap, and was about to go look for some burn gel, when-

"Guys, you do realize the camera is still on, right?"

*to be continued*


- The Forétaite Sisters

(A/N: Welp. That happened.)

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