(37) Ages: 21 & 18

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 Ages: 21 & 18

“You’re going the wrong way,” James pointed out as calmly as possible, despite his irritation due to their situation.

“I am not!” Jenny shouted back, keeping her hands at ten and two as she took in every road sign speeding by.

“We were supposed to take the first right after the light, not a right at the fork.” He continued arguing logically while Jenny only became more infuriated.

“I am going to stab you with a fork if you don’t shut up and let me drive!” She growled while continuing to focus on her surroundings, becoming slightly concerned that his arguments may have been valid.

Throwing his hands up in the air, James leaned back in the passenger seat. Rex turned towards Keira to whisper in her ear as they sat in frightened silence in the back seat of the car. “I feel like I’m on a road trip with my parents.”

Keira’s opened her mouth to respond but before she could get a word out, both James and Jenny looked into the rearview mirror to shout the same response. “Shut up, Rex!”

With widened eyes, Rex slouched down in his seat. “Yep, just like a road trip with my parents.”

Everyone in the car slid to the left as Jenny made a sudden turn to the right, driving the car off to the side of the road. “What the hell, Jenny?!” James screamed as everyone gathered their barring’s after the scare. Keira quickly pushed Rex from her body once the car came to a stop, crossing her arms as he snickered at her response. Jenny swung open her door and stepped out of the vehicle, leaving the keys in the ignition.

“Are we there?” Rex asked absurdly as James unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car.

“Jenny, get back in the car!” He shouted after her as she continued walking along the side of the road. He slammed the door and Jenny turned around so she was briefly walking backward.

“The sexual tension is going to kill us all before we hit the state line,” Keira muttered as she stared out the windshield, watching as Jenny walked farther from the car.

With a sly grin, Rex scooted closer to her side of the seat. “I was hoping you felt it too.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Keira scoffed in disgust before placing her hand over his face and shoving him back to his rightful side of the vehicle.

“How about I walk, that way we can both have a peaceful trip to Connecticut.” Jenny bitterly spat before turning back around to face the direction she was walking.

“How about you get back in the car so I don’t have to toss you over my shoulder and throw you back inside the car?!” He shouted back at she continued moving farther away. Slamming his door shut, he began following after her. “Just come back to the car and we’ll talk, okay?”

“Leave me be, Jameson!”

“Don’t make me do it, Jenny.” His voice was low as he said it and he shook his head, the small charismatic smirk still playing on his lips.

“I’m not a kid anymore, Jameson. You can’t tell me what to do.” She grumbled lowly with her arms now crossed over her chest. The wind was starting to pick up and it tossed her hair around her face. All of a sudden, Jenny let out a loud screech as she is tossed over James’ shoulder. He began carrying her back to the car. “Jameson! Put me down!” She ordered as she pounded his back with her fists.

“Not until you agree to talk. I’m sick of you running any time you find it difficult to talk about something.” He adjusted his grip on the back of her legs, causing her to grunt at the sudden jostle.

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