Chapter 1:the beginning...

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Cher was now on a flight ,on her way to the set of the sequel Mamma Mia Here We Go Again! feeling kind of nervous because this would be the first time she met the legendary cast, Meryl would only be coming at the last few weeks so she didn't really know anybody there.

Little did she know that she
would meet the love of her life in just one day!

Finally she had just arrived at the house that she's had for years and it was near the set,this was very convenient because she didn't have to pay for a hotel,like the others did.She unpacked and then fell asleep on her bed,the next morning she woke up made breakfast,showered and put on a pair of black leggings , sparkly high heels and then buttoned up her beige,long sleeved shirt.Now she was on her way to the set...

Cher had just arrived and was still feeling a bit nervous about meeting the cast.As she entered everybody stopped talking and ran over to her telling her how happy they were that she was there and how much they adore her.After being overwhelmed by everybody she started walking to her trailer when she was suddenly greeted by Andy Garcia "Hello it's so nice to finally meet you,I'm Andy and I'll be playing Fernado,I wanted to greet you earlier but i was late" he said whilst looking into her eyes "Hi I'm Cher...You already knew that I would say I'll be playing Ruby but you know that too"she replied letting out a nervous giggle,they both looked down and realized he was still holding her hand," If you'll excuse me" Cher said and before letting him answer she ran and went inside her trailer "Cher are you okay?did I say something wrong?I'm really sorry if I did,may i come in?"Andy questioned while standing in front of the door,Cher opened the door for him and he then entered closing the door behind him.Just as he started turning around Cher wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately,just as she was about to pull away he kissed her back with his very soft lips.Gasping for air she pulled away," I'm so sorry Andy i didn't mean to do that,I don't know what came over me,please dont be mad"she said "Cher it's okay maybe you were just practicing for Ruby,but might I add that,that was one hell of a kiss" Andy chuckled with a crooked smile on his face.Cher blushed and giggled then replied "thank you,we better get going before people get suspicious" "After you "Andy said and let Cher go out first ,as she passed infront of him he lightly spanked her butt which made her jump,she turned around,looked at him and shook her head with a smile.

They both got back to the set and no one had even noticed that they were gone,Andy went to Pierce,Stellan and Collin and Cher went to Christine and Julie,they started talking but Cher's mind was wondering as she gazed after Andy while only hearing half of what they were talking about,she couldn't help but wonder what just happened and what it meant,she got a weird feeling when she looked or even thought of him and didn't know what to do about it because he was married,she knew his marriage was falling apart but she also knew what she did was still wrong.

" Are you alright?"Christine and Julie asked simultaneously looking both concerned and confused at her "Yes,why wouldn't i be,it not like I did something I should feel bad about" she said faking a smile "Okay,but we are here for you if you want to talk,we won't judge" Christine said supportively and hugged her "Thank you but I'm fine,really, if something was wrong I would tell you" Julie looked at her and teased "Is it a guy?" letting out a giggle,Christine started giggling too "Oh shut up you two,and No I'm not sure yet"Cher answered leaving them confused as she walked away to her trailer to collect her things,because it was the end of the day.

Meanwhile Andy also couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the trailer with Cher,he thought about it alot,was he starting to fall in love with her he thought as he exited his trailer on his way to the gate...

(I know this chapter is short and boring but it will get more exciting,please vote or comment!🙏)

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