Chapter Seven

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"Minho!" Chan shouted and grabbed Minho's wrist and ran with him.

"Chan?...What's happening?"Minho asked while they are running to the left way and all of a sudden he heard a girl shouted.

"I got in trouble. Those girls are crazy!" Panting Chan said.

"Trouble? Aish! I told you not to get in troubles!"

"I'm sorry but before we argue about it we need to get away from those girls!"

When the girls are out of their sights they ran into an isolated corner to hide. Chan peaked and saw the girls coming.

He looked at Minho who's breathing heavily and warming himself by rubbing his hands to his arms. Chan quickly took off his hoodie and wear it to Minho.

He looks more smaller when he got to wear big sized hoodie and made Chan thought that his cute after staring blankly at Minho when he blinked he went back to reality.

"Uhm...This...I know this is crazy."

"Not just crazy but totally insane we are hiding from those so called crazy girls!" He half whispered and half screamed

"Yes, we need to hide from them but we just can't run forever but I'm sure they did not see you." He calmly talk.

"If he's quick to run away he might not ran but he is hiding." One of the girls said.

"Oh, just like in movies his hiding... over there at the corner!" Another girl pointed where Chan and Minho really was.

Chan got alarmed by the footsteps running. He cover the head of Minho using the hood and he did it.....

He kissed Minho.

Minho was startled.

Then Chan started to move forgetting that it was just a play which made Minho's tummy felt butterflies just then he return the kiss back.

"Oh my God. I think we have the wrong idea." All of the girls were flushed luckily the place is dark enough for them to hardly recognize them.

Chan pulled out first after coming back to his sense and he saw Minho looking straight to his eyes with wide eyes.

"I.. I'm sorry." Chan apologized

Minho was still flustered, butterflies on his tummy got more aggressive and then he gave up and looked down where he saw a white butterfly resting on his foot.

"I have to.. to go." He told him straight away and left Chan alone.

Chan had all the morning in the balcony of their dorm still thinking about that night. Sipping the hot coffee in his mug watching the view of the country he loves.


He looked down on the quiet street then he saw the boy he kissed last night. He was sure it was him, their dorm is not far away from the ground specifically they lived in the second floor of the small building.

There was a broken pot and Minho's knee was bleeding.

How did he even get there?

Chan felt something's strange, he stared at Minho sitting on the garter blowing his knee and keeps on looking around. Then he stopped thinking about it when Minho turned around and stared at him with wide eyes.

Immediately, Chan put down the mug and ran down. He went out too see no one in the garter instead Minho was running with an injured knee Chan ran to catch up Minho, luckily he did.

"Where are you going?" Chan asked, panting.

"I- I'm doing a jogging." Minho thought about the best excuse he could think.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Chan looked at Minho's bleeding knee.

"It j-just happened that I didn't see the pot." Minho nervously laughed pointing to the broken flower pot.

The flower vase was hanged beside the window. It's too far from the side walk.

Chan was supposed to say those things but Minho might explain soon. Chan felt weird. He sighed and looked to Minho he kneeled his left knee and looked at Minho's bleeding knee he stood up and carried Minho in bridal style.

Minho's eyes widened and stared Chan,

"Stay still." He said seriously while looking straight.

Minho didn't protest and do what Chan said. Chan made his way to their dorm and let Minho sat on the couch he went to his room and went back with a emergency kit on his hand.

He gently dab the cotton with povidone-iodine on Minho's cleansed cut. Minho winced and bend down to blow the cut.

"Done." Chan said proudly, he raised his head only to see the beautiful eyes of Minho.

Their face was so close and everything went slow. A click on the door made them startled and quickly looked away.

Minho took a magazine and acted that he was reading it while Chan stood up and arranged the throw pillows on the couch.

Both of them were thinking about the kiss.

The thing that Minho would never think about was kissing a guy.

The best excuse that I could ever think about. He mentally slapped his face.

Minho's face was turning red then he peak at Chan, he was surprised that Chan was looking at him then they looked away again.

"Hyung, I'm home." Hyunjin nonchalantly said.

He stopped walking when he saw Minho. His eyes widen.

"Minho hyung, it's been awhile." He greeted with wide smile.

Minho turned the smile back, "It's been awhile." He said in a calm voice.

"We should eat, right?" Hyunjin said while sitting beside Minho. Chan glared at Hyunjin which the younger one didn't notice.

"No, you can't." Chan said firmly which aimed a glare from Minho.

"Why not?" Minho rolled his eyes to Chan and faced Hyunjin with a bright smile.

"I said, no." Chan grabbed Minho's wrist and pulled him up.

Chan, I'm injured!" Minho exclaimed when they got out from the dorm. But Chan didn't stop instead he kept going.

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