small bump.

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3rd person point of view

Today was the day Jiyeon and Wonho were going to tell everyone about their pregnancy. Still hard on the rocks with everything and everyone, they wanted to announce it as soon as possible.

Jiyeon wasnt feeling so great early, She had morning sickness and she was spotting, more then the average pregnant woman would go threw but she shrugged it off as soon as it stopped.

They both ended up getting ready to head to Joes and Natashas house for the big meet, Jiyeon wore a white loose dress while Wonho wore all black topping it off with a black bucket hat on.


"babe are you okay?" i grabbed Jiyeons hand as she was shaking furiously

"yeah just nervous" she chuckled "keep your eyes on the road" she pointed out

i looked away and drove

once we reached there home we made our way inside, We rang the bell and Amber opened up

"Well isnt it my favorite couple" she gave us a both hugs

"everyone is here were just waiting on you two" she opened the door wider letting us enter then silently shutting the door

We walked out back were Reo and his family, The boys and The girls all sat at the table, loudly chatting

Lisa made eye contact with us and waved us to come over

"Hey everybody" i smiled

"why are you guys so late?" Shownu asked us

"planning" Jiyeon intertwined out hands together then sat down

We all talked about our week and what we were doing and how life was while living with each other, We caught up with Amber and her tour, Jackson just debuted so hes getting more recognition then usual, Just the natural stuff people discuss.

I felt Jiyeon tighten her grip on my hand, i looked over to see if she was okay, she smiled.

The day was soon about to come to an end. And Jiyeon and i already decided to announce the pregnancy

3rd person

"I have an announcement" Wonho tapped the glass cup with the end of his fork, everyone snapped there heads towards us ,

"Jiyeon and i are -"

then at that moment Jiyeon felt the metallic taste at the back of the throat, getting up to head to the bathroom she looks down at her white dress now stained with a puddle of dark red, then she drops to the ground, then drifting off to a deep sleep.

Everyone began to freak out. Wonho picked her and placed her into the car, he drove as fast as he could, passing and swerving the street lights and law, he reached the hospital and quickly began yelling for help, the medics soon came and placed her on the stretcher, the nurses stopped wonho from entering any further, he walked back to the waiting room where the doctors and nurses asked him what the problem was, Not answering anyone. knly thinking about Her and there kid.

"Lee Hoseok?" the nurse called out

"here" he stood up and quickly rushed to her

"follow me" She smiled

then led him to the small room at the end of the hallway, where his beloved girlfriend was laying, she looked pale and fragile, she was hooked up to the machine, he felt a knoct form at his throat he walked to her slowly, once reaching her, placing his hands on her face, lightly caressing it,

the touch of her loved one made her wake up, slowly fluttering her eyes open, then her lips forming a smile,

"hey you" she said

"hey beautiful" he smiled

"where are we?" she looked around

"the hospital, you passed out my love" he said in a whisper

"oh" her face went blank

"Hello Mr.Lee and Miss.Kim im Doctor Perez" The young doctor smiled as she walked into the room

"doctor what wrong? why did she bleed?! is she still pregnant?!" Wonho stormed out his questions like his life depended on it

"please take a seat" she informed him

He did as he told and sat down next to Jiyeon, intertwining there hands,

"So, Miss.Kim your going threw infertility" The doctor spoke softly

"what is that?" She asked in a shaky breath

"Infertility is alot of the things, but its most common when a parent has or had it" she took a deep breath "Infertility also means that you couldve and most likely had a miscarriage"

"w-what" There voices shuddered to words that left the doctors mouth

"i-i miscarried" Jiyeon let go of Wonho hand then began crying

" yes Miss.Kim" the doctor whispered "you weren't ovulating properly, meaning you weren't releasing eggs from your ovaries" she took another deep breath "we have to remove the baby from my stomach, it could lead to high risk to death"

Jiyeon began crying much harder, while wonho sat there not saying anything, not even moving

"ill give you guys a minute" The doctor stood up and bowed then leaving the room

"i-im s-so s-sorry won-wonho" Jiyeon cried

"its not your fault baby" He sat on the bed, taking her into his embrace

"it hurts" She grabbed her heart and sobbed harder

"ill be here till the end" Wonho kissed his girlfriends temple

As the hours went on, the leaves on the trees started to fall, kids were being born and people where being brought in hurt.

"We'll start the procedure in a couple of minutes" the nurse informed the couple then walked out the room

Wonho placed his hand on jiyeon stomach "you are my one and only" a tear slipped his eye "maybe they needed you up there but were still unaware as to why" he leaned down and kissed her stomach then kissing her

"We'll have another day, another moment, so please dont blame yourself" Jiyeon sighed

"are you ready" the doctor came in

they nodded

one day bad things will happen, just so brighter days can come,

Hey you guys im sorry for this emotional roller coaster of feelings right now, i love you all 💜

Millenia 《Wonho》Where stories live. Discover now