When I saw a fairy...

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I want you to picture a paradise

So that I can tell you my story...

Ready ? Now here we go...

The heavenly adobe...

Here the air fills me with life.

Dusting off my pants,

Tying up the strips of my sandals,

I step out from home.

This is a paradise

Which I can't have enough of,

As this place reminds me

Of my responsibilities in life

And I too can't help it.

But somehow I try to get past it.

And forget everything for sometime.

I like to roam

In the streets aimlessly;

Because every small thing

Titillates my curiosity.

And I am left wondering...

How the creators of the world

Can even imagine such simplicity

In the most complicated

Design of the nature

Of which we humans are part and parcel!

All over the hill

Up I go and down I come.

Sometimes when I am fortunate enough,

I get to see a fairy.

She has no wings

Nor any magical stuff

But I feel an aura

So charismatic, so pure;

She has eyes so arresting

And a flamboyant face

Whose brightness is so much that

I am not able to look at her

Longer than a second or more.

That elysian moment,

Soothing or disturbing

I am not able to understand!

There is an inflow of a weird energy;

Sets me back at once.

I am stirred from within,

Unable to control it.

That's another way of saying

I fall for her.

The moment I am conscious,

I stand up;

Raise my eyes and see myself;

I am burning!

Though she walked past me,

An exhilarating sensation

Fills my heart!

I want to look back...

But I don't dare to.

Flames all over my body

I can't bear the burden

Of more of that energy.

The only way to cool myself

Is to use up that energy,

Which the ravishing fairy

Impinged on me.

And  I'm burning with it.

Now this energy,

Makes me do positve

Makes me see positive

Teaches me to work hard

And to never look back

When I am cast down;

Because the only thing

Worth looking back is

The memories of our friends

And all those who love us.

She taught me what true love was;

You don't love someone because

You expect love from that someone.

You love simply,

Because you love!

Love is selfless

And makes us better.

If you truly love someone,

You will love everyone.

Everything in this nature,

Everything around you,

Will make you feel good.

The nature will sing for you;

There will be birds chirping for you;

The trees dancing

And their leaves surfing the blowing wind;

There will always be a light breeze

To kiss your cheeks

And the sky filled with colours;

Clouds and trees making amazing shapes;

The night sky full of diamonds like stars

And the ever changing moon...

All that is good and beautiful

Gives purpose to life.

This fairy makes me hopeful of life.

She is the reason for me,

To live and love

Everyone and Everything!

And that's why I sometimes roam,

In my heaven

So that I can catch a glimpse of that fairy,

And feel that love and energy,

Again and again.......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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