/19\ 3,000 /Tony Stark\

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Hi guys! We're back!!

Tony stark

Requested? Nah




You let out a sob as you watch the boy you considered to be a son vanish to dust before your eyes. You rub your eyes and stand up shakily while also helping you distraught husband up, letting him lean heavily on you for support. The woman with the blue skin, Nebula if you remembered correctly, walked over taking half of your husbands weight , helping you guide him to the ship Quill and the other had used to get here.

"Thank you." Your voice sounded hollow, even to you, and they could tell you were struggling to keep the tears contained.

"It's no problem." She flashes you and your husband a sympathetic look before disappearing deeper into the ship, most likely finding the cockpit seeing as it started moving about five minutes later.

"I-I lost the kid...I promised. I promised I'd keep him safe I-" You broke into sobs thinking about Peter, he truly was an amazing young man.

Tony stood silently and walked to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He laid his head lightly on top of yours, rubbing soothing circles on your back.

"He wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want us to feel guilty, and I know that's not gonna stop us 'cause we're us, but still. It'll be ok. Eventually. It'll take a while though." He kissed your forehead and sat down on the floor, dragging you with him, where you both fell into a restless sleep. But hey, it was sleep non the less.


"Tony. Tony I know you're recording your goodbye video, but what the hell is that?" You Get your husbands attention and point to the glowing dot in the distance that's quickly moving closer to you vessel.

"That's A really good question.."


5 years later.

You and tony were now loving in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere, with your 4 year old daughter, Morgan Stark. You were still recovering from the 'blip' as everyone was calling it, and the fact that peter was gone, but, you had your small family, that was all that mattered.


"Not that it's a competition or anything, but she loves me 3,000. You were somewhere in the mid 6-900s." Was the first thing out of the mans mouth when he exited your daughters room.

"Oh really?"


"Mr. Stark! Mrs. Stark! Hi!" Peter continued to rant about his experience when he was stopped by Tony pulling him into a hug, you quickly joining.
"Oh..this is nice!"


"I. Am. Iron Man." Your husband snaps his fingers and you watch as the entire army of thanos turns to dust.

You turn just in time to see him start to sway, you could tell he wasn't gonna make it but you wanted so badly for him to come out on top like always.

You watch with tear filled eyes as Peter interacts with him, begging him not to leave him. Next was Rhodey, the man had tears running down his face as he watched the light slowly fade from the eyes of his best friend.

Next was you.

"You did it Tony, you did it. You can rest now. It's ok. You can rest now." You kiss his forehead as his eyes close and he takes his last breath.

You let out a heart wrenching sob as you think of your Morgan growing up not knowing her daddy.


You hold back tears as you and your daughter place the Bouquet in the water, only for them to fall anyway.


"And remember, I love you 3,000.

You place your hand over your slightly swollen stomach, tears still flowing.


"It's a beautiful baby boy miss."

You hold you son close, noticing how much he looks like his father.

"His name?"

"Anthony Edward Stark JR."

I almost cried. I'm so sorry. But I love you guys!!! Byeeeeeeeeee!!~cookie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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