Chapter 1 Reincarnated as Cordelia

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Akiza Izinski Pov: I'm outside and i see a guy and he stabbed me and he left me and i fell down and i closed my eyes and i reopened my eyes and i saw that I'm Cordelia Sakamaki and i got out of my room and i see my sons Ayato,Kanato,Latio and they saw me and they said mom and i said son's and they hugged me and i hugged them back and we pulled away from the hug and i said go ahead and play and they went outside and they are playing and I'm outside and i sit down and i see Beatrix and Christa with their son's Shu Reiji,Subaru and they are sweet and kind and i went to Beatrix and i said hi and she said hi Cordelia and i said do you want Shu and Reiji to play with my son's and she said sure and they went to my son's and they are playing and Christa came over to us and with her son and he went to play with my son's and we all talked to each other and are son's grow up and we are in the different Mansion and and i see a girl with blond hair and red eye's and she is in the living room with are son's and we are their and she said I'm Yui and are son's introduced theirselves and she looked at us and she said who are those three and i said I'm Cordelia Sakamaki and this Beatrix and Christa Sakamaki and we know that you are bride here and i said he told me not to kill her and she ran into my room and I'm in my room and she was holding the book and she said I'm not my father's daughter and she hand me the book and i took it and Reiji said out of all these room's you pick her's and she is knocked out and i said you guy's have night school and they left and i took Yui to her room and i give her uniform and she woke up and i said you have night school and she got dressed and we are all the down the stairs and we are all in the limo and we are at school and i see the fangirls and we all got out and they said mean things about Yui and i went to Kate and i said what did you say and i hit her and i said principal office now and she went and the other's got scared of me and left and we are in school and i give Yui her scheduled and i said you have class with Ayato,Kanato,Latio and Subaru and Shu and last class with Reiji and she left and we are in class and we are teacher's and school is over and we are all back in the Mansion and Yui is in her room and all of us are in are room's and the moon is outside and it is red and the moon looks beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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