Part 4

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No ones POV

Y/N woke up feeling nice and comfy so you wiggle your tail sleepily and relax you realized Beatrix awake watching more anime you decide to join her "Hi Beatrix" you say quite lazy this time around she yawns and also say "morning Y/N" you see F/N appear at his spot in the corner he's gotten very good at that right after you see him disappear but shortly reappear "so you guys wanna go explore a bit today" Beatrix ask a little less tired you nod because why not F/N says "No thanks I'm good I'll just go my normal ways and find some food" you and Beatrix nod at his statement then head out

Time skip brought to you by 7zee Corp

"Wow it's night time already" you say as you and Beatrix are walking back home you can see fine because of your natural night vision you wonder if she can though "Hey Beatrix can you see ok" she simply nods you spot something up ahead it appears to be shiny then you poke Beatrix with your tail to point it out a golden slime you bounce over to it before Beatrix so she doesn't scare it off you approach it and poke it with your tail "Hi I'm Y/N" the golden slime turns around hiding a bit "h-hi I'm G/N(girls name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)" you didn't realize it was a girl slime at all Beatrix walks up and sees you and G/N "There little fellow I'm Beatrix" Beatrix says G/N says in your normal slime language that's sounds like cheers to human "can I trust her" you nod then back to speaking normally "let's head home it's this way G/N" you say as Beatrix and G/N follow you here a sound you've never heard before then look in shock a Tarr you try to bounce away as fast as you can but it's catching up fast damn should've of been less lazy you see Beatrix looking at her slime-pedia you didn't know what that was she realized that water kills Tarr the only way there made is if one largo which is rare happens by eating another plort than eating another plort that's not either of there type then make a Tarr Even though I'm being chased I still think it's gross how Tarr are made you think but you end up in a dead end turning around only to see a Tarr Beatrix yells "Use water to kill it!" After she yelled that you realize there's water behind the Tarr you were trapped with no way out the Tarr grabs you with a weird arm you try to struggle to get free of its grip but you can't get lose you start to feel sick but then...

Then you got saved.

You see Beatrix tackles the Tarr then she got bit by it Ouch that must've hurt you think you then see some water it look like a fountain coming out of the dirt some how you muster up the courage to jump up using your tail and land right at the water you collect a bunch of water in you mouth then front flip using you tail like an acrobat then swing of a tree branch right into the mouth of the Tarr before it bites Beatrix again right before it chomps down on you, you spray the water you had in your mouth at it luckily since it was right at the core of the Tarr it's killed it with ease.

You look and realize that at last second the branch you swung on broke and was now falling you saw it right before it knocked you out cold.


Inside your head Y/N wake up don't die on us. Who is that where am I, I don't see any one or anything wait I see my parents when I was just a kid why am I seeing a memory why is my mind echoing from the past I can't move either "Hello" but nobody came.

No ones POV inside your head
you start to see a light then you turn around and see three blurry figures you can move now...

No ones POV

"Ghaaa" you wake up suddenly gasping for air you don't remember what happened inside you head but you know your alive so that's good you realized that every ones surrounding you, F/N, G/N and Beatrix, F/N just gently hit you with his tail saying "Don't do that again on me bro" "Thanks Y/N that was pretty brave if you" G/N then hugs you Beatrix however just picked you up and hugged you.

Yet another time skip brought to you by 7zee Corp

It's still nighttime as you and the group continue watching anime G/N sat beside you and Beatrix sat on the other side of you F/N was still sitting alone as he did like his space "Hey Beatrix where can I go to number 1 or 2?" you asked Beatrix responded "Just go over into that room there and sit on the thing that has a bowl inside then go number one or two then flick the little lever down" making sure you got all that you thank her than go to the room she pointed at you close the door and go about your business F/N decided to move besides G/N he also grabbed some popcorn with his tail like you did the other day as there was still left over popcorn somehow after you were done in the bath room the reason you took so long was because you washed your self in the sink which wasn't that hard but still a little difficult you decide to call it a night and say goodnight to every one as you make it back to your little room in the Fort good thing there was an extra room so now G/N can stay in the Fort as well the Fort is pretty big though there was even a giant room for Beatrix somehow you got lost which should be impossible but you found a way you still didn't even explore while making it again you got lost after about half an hour you finally found your room and went to bed.

Again thank you guys if your reading this The comenteir out.

Slime rancher (Male slime reader x slime rancher)Where stories live. Discover now