Something to Live For

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Hey guys, I deleted The Kidnapper because I didnt know what else to write and what events would happen. I found a new topic, and its the most amazing topic ever! read on to find out!

Violets POV:

It was a regular shitty day at Damonte High when the preppies started talking shit about me, making sure I heard.

"Don't cutters usually go to hell?" Amanda was the lead dancer in the dance club. She was a slutty rich snob who didn't care about anything that didn't involve her.

"Don't rich snobs usually get brutally murdered?" I said with a smirk. She frowned and walked closer to me so she was right in my face. She looked pissed as she raised her hand to slap me. As she drew it closer, I grabbed her hand ninja style before it reached my face. I twisted her arm around to her back, and held it there.

"I'm tired of your shit. You fuck with me again, and i'll be sure to break your wrist." People were just staring at me, surprised at what I had done. I let her go and quickly spun around and walked away. I heard people asking her if she was ok and trying to create drama.

"Hey, Vi, over here!" I looked to see a blonde headed short girl with purple streaks in her hair. She wore an Asking Alexandria t-shirt with dark purple skinny jeans and black Vans. I walked over to her, trying not to look to eager to get to her. She was all I had. I'm 18 today and finally get to leave my overly drunk abusive mother, and my sexually abusive monster. I mean father, no wait, I meant monster. When I reached her she jumped up and down excitedly, screeching.

"What Anna!?" I said trying not to sound too interested. She stopped jumping and leaned closer to me like it was a secret.

"I just won tickets and backstage passes to the most amazing band in the world!" She started jumping up and down again and I had to hold her still. She was obsessed with going to concerts. As long as they were hot, popular or in a screamo band, she wanted to go. She was rich too, but she didn't act like a snob. She finally caught her breath and started spilling the details.

"I just won two tickets and backstage passes for the one... the only...(screaming in the top of her lungs) BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!!!!!!" she was really obsessed with Ashley Purdy. I just liked their music.

"So, who are you taking with you?" I said, playing dumb.

"Well, I was thinking about maybe taking... YOU OF COURSE!!!!" I smiled and laughed. She was the only one who made me laugh. Just then, I got a text from my Aunt, Cera:

Hey, Happy B-Day sweetie. I need you to come over today after school. Its really important. Thanks!

"Hey, you want to go to Aunt C's house after school? She says its important." I asked Anna. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure. Shes the only family of yours that I like." She said. We started walking to last period: IC. I didn't mind IC. All we did was chill and do homework. She even let us listen to our ipods. When I walked in, Ms. Jackson waved to me.

"Hey Violet. How was your day?" she asked in the most sympathetic way. I sat at a table and started unpacking my homework.

"Good. The preppies as usual." She actually understood me. I begged her not to tell, and that it would only make it worse. She respected that and was totally cool with it.

"Oh, and happy birthday. I have a present for you." She said as she pulled a little gift bag out of her desk.

"Thanks, but you didnt have to." I said, actually meaning it. Turning 18 is my one way ticket away from my so called parents. I walked over to her as she handed me the gift. I opened the gift and found it was a charm bracelet. It already had an Ohio symbol. I looked up at her with sincereness in my eyes. I hugged her, and put the bracelet on my wrist. The bell rang, meaning it was time to sit down for class. I sat down and did my work while listening to some Black Veil Brides.

The bell rang for school to end. I already had my bag packed rushing to my car. Anna ran along with me to ride with me and help pack my stuff before my parents got home so I could leave without getting hurt. We arrived at my crappy looking apartment and quickly, but quietly ran upstairs, just in case they were home. When we found they werent there, we hurried and packed everything I had that was valuable to me and that I needed. Just as we finished, I heard a car door slam and looked out my window slightly.

"Shit! My moms here. Time for code blue. Is everything ready?" I asked Anna. She had a calm face as if this were normal. We chucked everything through the other window in the backyard. We carefully climbed out the window and started grabbing my stuff. Anna came down and grabbed the rest of the bags. We went through the gate, careful not to hit the bags on the hollow wood. We checked the front to make sure nobody was there. Once we saw it was clear, we ran towards the car. We stuffed every thing in the trunk and drove off.

"Now remember, we leave in the morning around seven. We gotta pack lighter, or with less bags. And thanks for getting me out of there." I said. Our dreams were finally coming true. I was gonna become a writer, and Anna was gonna become a singer. I told her I would write some music for her after she heard the songs I wrote. I loved to sing but I had stage fright.

We arrived at Aunt Cera's house and walked to the door. It took a couple of minutes for her to answer the door. When she opened the door, I could see the nervousness on her face. We walked inside and sat down. She thought for a while and then started talking.

"Vi, you know the band Black Veil Brides?" She asked with a serious look on her face. I looked at her like she was crazy for having to even ask.

"Yeah, why?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Well, your mom and i agreed to wait til you were eighteen. Ashley Purdy is your brother." Once she said it, I was breathless. One, that mom and Cera agreed on something, and two, Ashley Purdy was my freaking brother. And better yet, were going to there concert tomorrow night.

Something to Live ForWhere stories live. Discover now