I still love you

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I still love you


Never again I said to him. I told him I wanted nothing to do with him and it’s only now that I realize I miss him and I want him back. Yet I cannot have him ever again. He would have moved on by now, and even though I want him to be happy, I want him to be with me.


She said she wanted nothing to do with me, so why do I still love her? Tarhni I mean. She hates me yet I am so in love with her nothing else seems right. And whenever I gaze at her I have to turn away before she realizes I am staring.


I look over at him often and try and believe he is watching me, but every time I do, I have to snap back to reality and accept that he doesn’t love me as much as I love him. And things will never go my way. Not even in the name of love. Still love shouldn’t hurt as much as it does. It should be a joyous happy thing, yet knowing Blake doesn’t love me, kills me on the inside. I can’t help still loving him.


Oh her eyes, her blue, blue eyes. And her hair, oh her beautiful blonde hair. Compared to my messy brown flop hair and my average blue eyes. She makes the most beautiful things look dull, normal, and average.  If only there was some chance in this cruel world that we could be together. But it feels like I am being wounded every time I accept that this fantasy isn’t real. This dream can’t be real


Clumsy is the first word in my mind when I knock into him. I am not looking where I am going. I look up and almost die of shock. “Sorry” he says. I shift awkwardly and smile at him and he grins back. Finally, we have a chance to talk.                                                                                                             


I start picking up her books. I am smiling my head off. This is fantastic she smiled at me! I take a breath and turn my head toward her. “Sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going” I tell her. She smiles at me and replies “neither was I”.  This is it. I have to tell her how I feel.


I sense he wants to say something to me. I don’t know what to say or do. He could say anything right now. He deserves to bite my head off.  He could yell at me. He could do anything but in the end I deserve it all.


By now were standing and she’s about to walk away when I grab her arm gently and spin her around to face me. She gives a confused look and I kiss her. Right there, in the middle of the hallway.


He kisses me, and I put my arms around his neck. This is the perfect kiss and I don’t let go. I never want to let go, I love Blake. This is the only thought going through my head.


A spark goes through me as I kiss her. It warms my insides and I never want to let go. She’s dropped her books and her arms around my neck. This is the best feeling I’ve ever had. It’s even better than being the most popular boy in school. It’s better than winning the football champion ships. One thought goes through my head. I love tarhni more than anything in the world.


  He steps back and looks at me with his blue handsome eyes. I’ve got my perfect guy back. And I will never give Blake up again


Tarhni and I are back together. We will never leave each other again. Why would we? Truelove is forever.


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